Weather Sensitive by Keri G. '10
I know you think that I don't care, but I really do.
So you all know that I come from South Florida. (And if you didn’t, then look! You do now!) In Fort Lauderdale, we don’t have seasons. Sure, it gets cold in that wet, drippy way that makes you feel like you’re walking through forty degrees of nitrogen, oxygen, and ice cubes, but that’s about it.
This concept of leaves falling off trees? Yeah. Completely foreign. Never seen it. No idea what anyone’s been talking about.
With that said, I present to you three pictures of the view from my window.
Early September:
Last week:
…I don’t get it.
(No, it does not always rain here. But I’m usually out of my room on gorgeous sunny days, rather than staring out the window and taking pictures.)
Sorry about not posting anything over the last couple of weeks! Don’t worry, a happy entry is on its way. It involves my Thanksgiving in Senior Haus. And the musical, which has been taking over my life. And pie. Mmm, pie.
Man, this is really kool
All the guys n gals beware the best student MIT has ever seen is coming next year(course 6)
Jus kidin
We dont have four seasons here in Indonesia, just two, bone dry and soaking wet. To be honest, I’ve never even touched real snow that falls down the atmosphere!
It’s starting to rain here in Jakarta…
I’m a prospective student, and I too hail from Fort Lauderdale, FL, and I’m looking forward to seeing the changing of the seasons. We just had a really bad cold snap. It got down to… 55 degrees. That’s about as bad as it gets. Enjoy the weather up there Keri, I don’t think you really remember how dull our weather is down here.
Adam –
Nope, still no snow. I’m starting to think this strange phenomenon is only a myth.
Ahhh, I want snow here ;_; I’ve lived with seasons pretty much all my life, so going off to Hong Kong for my Grandfather’s funeral in the middle of March was a bit of a shock. They have the year-round foliage and humid temperatures there as well.
I would like to see snow…
Its unnaturally warm in Germany these days…
Winter is great- think of skiing, ice skating,snowboarding,…
oh keri….just you wait. I guarantee you’ll be sick of snow by March.
espesh if we have a crazy snowstorm with ridiculous amounts of snow……and you’ll hate it even more when it all starts to melt into slushy nastiness…..oh winter
Haha I’m from Massachusetts, and I have a hard time believing that the leaves don’t change in other places!
As a fellow Floridian I understand the whole one season thing (although it was about 50 degrees one day a few weeks ago). I think the weather thing is what I’m most scared about if I go to college up north. When I went up to DC last November even with 6 layers on I was freezing. Although it would be nice to see snow, the cold and rain part I could do without. But MIT’s worth the freeze(if I get in). Have fun with winter!
As a prospective international student in M’sia,i have no concepts towards four season too.
i see only sun or rain everyday
We have four seasons in Tennessee: summer, almost summer, just past summer, and Christmas.
I think I like the four seasons in Massachusetts better.
I’m from California, and it’s always hot out here. Always. I’ve spent approximately 17 years in this heat. It gets old. The sun is nice to see, but I don’t like feeling it. I can use a change of weather =)
The other morning I was in Pennsyvlania and the frost on the ground with the rising sun over the hill, reminded me of a field of diamonds. But then the intensity of the sun turned the diamonds into “liquid platinum” (okay, liquid hydrogen and oxygen). I love fall, how could anyone not.
Water is beautiful, on the ground or in the air. So get out there Keri and make a splash! Bundle up though. : )
I have a question about the second photo? Did a M.I.T. student create that swing? That tire looks like its hitting the ground! Ouch!! Someone needs to go BACK to the drawing board! : ) That is soooo not acceptable for M.I.T., Harvard maybe, but not M.I.T. : p
I hope you enjoy the winter here in the northeast.
out here in the pacific northwest we get two seasons: rainy and rainier.
not really but it seem like it this time of year.
I may be weird, but I actually don’t like trees with leaves on them. I much prefer them without leaves, preferably with a coat of snow on the top of the branches.
On that note – have you seen snow yet?
Well, enjoy the excellent weather, it only gets colder. About 40 degrees is perfect for me. Any colder, and I have to start wearing something other than a t-shirt..
Chicagoian, that sounds like me. I live in Michigan and the joke is that we have two seasons- winter and road construction.
And Keri, wait until it snows. It’s one thing to have it in January when you’re all excited for snowball fights and the like. It’s a whole different thing when it’s late March, flowers are blooming, and you get 6 inches.
greetings from Minnesota…ya we get two seasonal trends here: humid and frigid! anyways enjoy winter
Hey Keri,
Just curious: what musical are you doing? We’re doing Fame at my high school and the cast list goes up tomorrow.
And SAT scores come out tomorrow. And I have economics and calculus tests. Should be an interesting day.
Haha I also come from South Florida (about 20 minutes from Ft. Lauderdale), although I’ve always been a northerner at heart (epsilon greater-than cold weather :D). Heh, I can’t wait to actually see some season when (if) I go there
Buddy – We’re doing Children of Eden. We rock. Everyone on campus must come and see us. I demand that they do. ^_^
Brandy – Our tire swing used to be shorter and on a different branch. Then the branch died and was cut off of the tree (as you can see in the picture). That was our first attempt at fixing it, but it’s all right now.
Keri Garel, I haven’t seen you in WEEKS. And I’m not even exaggerating! Come to lunch tomorrow.
Ah… Coming from the San Francisco Bay Area, seasons are virtually nonexistent. We’ve got a pleasant 50F 24/7, day and night. (And by pleasant I mean annoying.)
But that windchill from the ocean just puts the edge on…
that nice and butiful.
Yo, I’m a prospective student for MIT and I am kinda scared of the whole weather changes. I’m from Jamaica and all I see is sun…and occasional rain and winds. I freeze in air conditioning environs so I am going to get frost bites…Very scared!!
Nicole T –
Woo hoo! Another Jamaican!
I was terrified of the change too (I freeze when the air conditioning is below 75F at home), but it’s turning out better than expected. (Ask me that again in a month. ^_^) Get a really good coat or five – among other things – and you’ll be fine.
The winter may be frigid up here in Massachusetts, but we have wonderfully warm summers. I’ve applied early action to MIT (which I live about 45 minutes away from in a little town called Hull). Hopefully the winter will be more like it was last year as opposed to the year before, which was extremely cold. Last winter was the warmest winter I can remember in a long time. Good luck with the rest of your year Keri, and good luck to everyone else who is reading this and applying to MIT. Even if I don’t get in, maybe I’ll see some of you in Hull in the summer (yeah, it’s a beach town).
No complaining from you kids, I’m up in Canada and its -45 C with windchill right now.
So there
In Chicago we have four seasons, but winter is 90% of the year (or at least it feels like it). Snow is dandy, but it gets really old when you have to wake up early to shovel or walk anywhere in it.
I can’t wait to hear about the musical!
Well, I live in Seattle and it certainly DOES always rain here. Though yesterday and today were both snowdays because we had a whole inch of snow. Maybe even two. And a whole ton of ice. This is Seattle: you get lots of rain, and not really any snow. But hey! No school for two days a week and a half before finals is totally awesome. Really!
Whereas in contrast, it snowed in April last year at MIT when I visited. Such fun weather!
Yay, 1st real snow here in Wisconsin! We’ve got an inch or so already, and its snowing pretty hard. The roads are quite slippery now. I expect there will probably be a couple of accidents. :( I actually almost spun out. I’ve never driven in snow before. (Just got my license recently.)
Hi there!! It is the same thing I do, but pics are in large resolution, and suffering slow connection, sorry, can’t upload;
Carry on, at least , I will come and see.