Welcome to Senior Haus, version 2.0 by Keri G. '10
More pictures!
As promised, I come bearing more pictures, Some of these are courtesy of Hanna, Dorota, and Jake, all fellow frosh.
Here are some from the fourth floor:
This is the door to GRT Vikash’s room –
The 4th HNC lounge
Some of the Haus frosh hanging out in one of our suites:
In the stairwell opening into the third floor, there’s a mural of our banner with our motto. Sport Death!
Here’s a view of another room, this time a double – that of Kel ’10 and Thom ’10.
Many of us spend a lot of time taking up their floor space, whether we’re doing work, simply hanging out, or working on sewing projects like the flower Amy ’10 is making below:
Trust me, she’s happer than she looks.
That’s it. I’m all pictured out. (Is that even the right use of that word? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?) For my next trick, I’ll be talking about the MedLinks Dating Auction this Friday night, at which I and nineteen other students will be auctioned off on dates. We’ll take the top bidders out to see movies or to Toscanini’s (which had the well-deserved title of “best ice cream in the world” bestowed upon it by the New York Times), Legal Sea Foods, and more. There’s also a silent auction for some faculty members, including but not limited to my 5.12 (Organic Chemistry) professor Kimberly Berkowski, 9.00 (Intro to Psychology) professor Jeremy Wolfe, and our Institute President Susan Hockfield. I’ll write more about the auction after it happens, but it’s guaranteed to be a good night.
Until then, I’ll just sit around being just the slightest bit terrified of the whole auctioning myself off thing. It’s like cattle. Only, well, not. After all, I’m pretty sure that no one wants to turn me into steak.
First post! OH EM GEE I DID IT MYSELF! Quit with it, guys. It’s so reminiscent of LiveJournal it’s not funny.
haha, so is there an Illegal seafoods restaurant?
I Love Legal Sea Foods! (I’m classically conditioned to salivate just at the name!!) There is no way to get some good Boston Scrod in Chicago…oh well.
wow, that KRIEG MACHT FREI thing on the wall in the first pic s quite hard! Did you guys put that up? although i think the war is shit and appreciate the opinion you, too, seem to have (and although the war somehow in a way could resemble genocide of innocent people) i think thats quite hard-i hope thats not up there for fun but because of an honest opinion.
but nice rooms^^
Not cool! Don’t take away the one form of meaningless competition that is almost worthwhile! Otherwise we’ll come up with COMPLETELY meaningless methods of competition, like “I used 20 verbs in my comment!” or “Who can leave the most comments?!?!”
First post is just, happy! (Unless a blogger takes it from us)
I like how you took a picture of my room while I was sleeping, lol.
As a pinball collector, seeing that Doctor Who pinball machine just made me really really happy.
I’m jealous.
Karin – to my knowledge, we have at least three pinball machines in the Haus alone.
Awesome murals! It must be great to be surrounded by creative art in your living spaces. What is the auctioning for? That sounds really fun, I hope you blog about it afterwards =)
PS: A woohoo for Florida =) I was Miami now Spring Hill
Jessica –
The profits from the auction go to Tutoring Plus, which offers tutoring to elementary and middle school students in Cambridge.
Also, go Florida! ^_^
Wow, do you know which ones?
I have 4.5 (one doesn’t really count) in my garage. They move to my room when I leave for college. I love pinball, although I spend half the time fixing them rather than playing them =P
DOOMCom, imo.
Pokemon, I don’t choose you.