ZOMG CPW! by Laura N. '09
The greatest shopping list ever.
Here is what I bought at Shaw’s (the local grocery store) last night:
7 cartons of ice cream*
3 jars of fudge
3 jars of caramel
3 cans of whipped cream
2 jars of sprinkles
2 jars of cherries
3 boxes of brownie mix
3 boxes of cake batter
3 tubs of icing
4 decorating gels
4 packages of cookie dough
1 bag of M&Ms
2 boxes of graham crackers*
*3 gallons of ice cream, 36 chocolate bars, and 3 bags of marshmallows have already been purchased, if you see where I’m going here…these items will all be consumed at the Burton Conner Ice Cream Event today. Check your CPW booklet for details. ;-)
I was really hungry.
Such is a day in the life of a dorm REX chair- as one of two people responsible for organizing all of Burton Conner’s dorm events during CPW, I’ve also got 600 hamburgers, 300 hot dogs, 40 dozen bagels, and over 300 pieces of fruit coming my way. But I have to say, last night’s trip to Shaw’s was my absolute favorite. You just can’t top the experience of spending that much money on ice cream toppings.

CPW rocks. Hard.
Other CPW notes!
Stop by BC and say hi! I’ll be here all weekend, like for serious, and I’d love to meet you guys. =)
I’ll also be at the Reg Desk from 6-8 tonight.
And at the Meet the Bloggers Party tomorrow. Be there or be square.
Also, if you’re in Atlanta right now, you probably don’t have a chance to read this anyway, but just in case- stop by and say hi to Team 97! They’re sad at missing out on CPW, so they’re bringing CPW to FIRST. Ask them questions about MIT. I’m totally serious, it’ll make their day.
OMG! CPW is finally here. I’m psyched, you should be psyched, come have fun with us!
(If this entry is utterly incoherent, I blame lack of sleep.)
My last-minute trip to Shaw’s last night involved buying 27 portobello mushrooms for the SH barbecue later today. Gah.
Let me off the waitlist! arg
“n”th post
All that food, all that work, all that effort, and none of it actually made it to the dorm?! You made us scrape melted ice cream from the bottom of the carton with forks while fighting through the horde of hungry yet oh-so-unsatisfied pre-frosh only to be left with an empty stomach.
It’s a good thing that I don’t verbally abuse people in an attempt to boost my own self-esteem. That would be mean.
Haha, nice Snively.
hooray for burton-connor!
at any rate i finished off the ice cream during the movie marathon lol, and it was gooood. that was right before i fell asleep lol, but it was still gooood.
and agreed, BC does rock
too nice