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Next steps
, this is the next best thing. [embed] -
Explore MIT on your own
) Undergraduate research [embed] ... . [embed][/embed] Take an MIT class -
Apply / Understanding the process
First-year class profile
% Black/African American 5% Hispanic/Latino 11% Native Hawaiian -
Maps, directions, parking
Admissions at MIT Welcome Center We are located at the MIT Welcome Center near the Kendall Square T station. You can learn more in the Visit MIT section of our site. The Welcome Center is open from 9 AM to 5 PM -
Help / Contact
Visit our office
Center The Welcome Center is open from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday -
Discover / The MIT education
Majors & minors
-Biological Engineering 10-B ✅Yes No Chemistry 5 ✅Yes ✅Yes Chemistry and Biology 5 ... Engineering and Computing 6-5 ✅Yes No Energy Studies 12 No ✅Yes -
Arts and music
2022 Fall Concert performing music from "Persona 5," "Super Mario Galaxy -
Apply / Understanding the process
Admissions statistics
,284 Percentage admitted 4.5% Early Action Early Action applicants 12 -
Request a group tour
minimum of 3 weeks notice to schedule a private group tour. Please allow 3–5 -
Discover / The MIT education
Maker education
][/embed] Edgerton Center The Edgerton Center hosts student -
Apply / Parents and educators
For school counselors
AM–5 PM ET) at 1.617.253.3400, or to email our general staff email -
Apply / First-year applicants
International applicants
recommend Education USA, especially their helpful 5 Steps to U.S. Study ... fewer than 5 years or do not speak English at home or in school, so that -
Apply / Transfer applicants
Academic preparation
applicants generally have a GPA of 3.5 or above, and mostly A's in mathematics -
Discover / Life and culture
The MIT community
, creative, and accomplished. Staff There are over 5,000 non-academic staff at -
Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Region I, 5 Post Office ... (10) years for enrolling students and a period of five (5) years for non -
Apply / Preparing for MIT
Academic foundations
[annotation note='For students who have been using English for fewer than 5 -
infinite MIT
="76535" image5="75000" image6="91434" image7="77171" /] [intro]MIT is full of ... the language and literacy skills of 5- and 6-year olds -
Blog / Athletics
Back Bay 5K Cool running... so cool that my legs were numb. (11 pictures)
As I wrote in a previous entry, I signed up to run the Back Bay 5K last Saturday. Results here. I very intelligently chose to walk across the bridge in flip-flops. For those of you who were not at MIT last -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
5 Historical MIT Videos looking back on what we left behind
striking old-timey scenes I found. In total there's around 2.5 hours of ... Movie (1992) 3. MIT: Progressions (1969) 4. The Social Beaver (1956) 5 ... : 5% of undergraduates were women: In the video, a group of women