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  • Apply / Understanding the process

    Our mission

    Our work at MIT Admissions is both bound and inspired by MIT ... with our admissions process and financial aid. The MIT Office of Admissions enrolls a talented and diverse undergraduate student body composed
  • Apply / Parents and educators

    For parents

    that marks the transition out of childhood and into adult responsibility.[/intro] The college search and application process should be about one thing ... child shares the fundamental values and priorities and feels comfortable
  • MIT visits you

    that you can learn more about MIT and see if it may be right for you.[/intro] You will find us at NACAC college fairs and hosting information sessions in locations big and small, urban and rural, coastal and mountain; so
  • Discover / The MIT education

    Independent Activities Period

    January during which faculty and students are freed from the rigors of ... both formal and informal learning and extracurricular opportunities. More than 600 activities are offered each year, and regular students paying
  • Discover / Learn more


    (prospective undergraduates only please). It's from us(!), and contains information about our admissions process, enrichment programs, and stories from ... MIT’s high-impact research, interesting people, and distinctive culture
  • Discover / Life and culture

    Housing at MIT

    . You choose where you live, and each living group is a community with its own distinct culture and traditions. MIT housing is guaranteed for your entire undergraduate experience, and all first-year students live in on
  • Discover / Learn more

    Admissions videos

    released, and making a video to announce Pi Day became an unexpected ... . It cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and was produced entirely by a major Madison Avenue marketing firm, and was taken "on the road" across
  • Apply / Parents and educators

    For school counselors

     admissions officers read applications from around the country and world, and are prepared to speak with you and answer your questions.[/intro] Call us We are ... outside of the reading season. You are our professional colleagues, and we
  • Apply / Preparing for MIT

    Be yourself!

    , love to learn, and want to work on big problems to make the world a ... and capable of in a college application.  As admissions officers, we open your MIT application without knowing anything about you, and we use
  • Apply / Parents and educators

    Advising your students

    [intro]As parents, counselors, teachers, mentors, and allies, we know ... ways to define the best, and we think it’s important that young people be students and community members first, and applicants second.[/intro] As our
  • Apply / Preparing for MIT

    Extracurricular activities

    ’t shape your whole personal context, and our goal is to understand more about who you are and how you spend your time outside of schoolwork ... other obligations. Different communities across the country—and across the
  • Discover / Life and culture

    Eating at MIT

    dining halls, or cook for yourself (and often, your friends) in a community ... , made or served, vegan or paleo, and so on. So, just like in our approach to housing, we give our students options about where, how, and what to
  • Student life at MIT

    “day in the life of an MIT student” looks like for them—and that's part ... (and often do) speak at length about our students, but why not get to ... '25, Allison '27, Amber '24, Ali '26, and Audrey '24) Next stop
  • Afford / Cost & affordability

    Estimate your cost

    a more in-depth review and to determine Pell eligibility you will need ... eligibility for financial aid might be and estimate your out-of-pocket expenses. The Net Price Calculator will give you an estimate of your net cost and
  • Apply / First-year applicants

    Creative portfolios

    Researchers, performing artists, visual artists, and makers may ... descriptions below. Creative portfolios are truly optional, and should only be submitted if they feature work that is both significant to you and relevant to
  • Apply / First-year applicants

    Biographical & personal information

    —including communicating with us and registering for standardized tests—so the email you list ... account. And please make sure that it’s an email you’ll have access to through next summer. Name and preferred name When filling out these fields
  • Apply / First-year applicants

    Early vs Regular

    MIT has two application cycles: Early Action (EA) and Regular Action ... fine to apply during either cycle. We do not have a preference, and there ... period, devoting more time to each application, and 2) it provides
  • Maps, directions, parking

    . Cambridge traffic is usually awful, the layout of the roads is confusing, and, although there is public parking at the Hayward Parking Garage, and other public lots in Kendall Square, it is pretty expensive and unpredictably