Elizabeth Choe '13
- Content Queen

Things About Moi:
I was born and raised in Columbia, MO–home of the Mizzou Tigers, the greatest pizza in the world, my high school mascot, the Kewpie, and the best little brother in the universe.
The things that got me interested in science were The Jeff Corwin Experience and playing in my backyard. Until high school, I thought I wanted to be an entomologist or herpetologist, until I realized that I loved biology of all kinds (not just bugs and snakes), and spent my undergrad here studying microworlds as a Course 20 (Biological Engineering) major.
Being at MIT made me realize I was way more interested in helping people outside The Science Bubble learn about science, rather than doing the science myself. So that's my MO at the moment.
The classes I took as an undergrad that had the biggest impact on my life were (I don't remember the exact titles): jazz history, science documentary making, biomaterials engineering, and poetry.
I believe MIT is full of dualities, best summarized by IHTFP, which stands for both I Have Truly Found Paradise and I Hate This F***ing Place.
I share Leslie Knope's views on life:
Recent Posts
Enjoy Life Farewells and New Beginnings
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- September 5, 2018
Applying to Grad School How MIT Did and Didn't Help Me
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- August 22, 2018
Folding While you wait for decisions...
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- March 13, 2018
FUN Form FAQs U is for Ukelele
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- January 16, 2018
Early Action FAQs Yes, yes, we got your emails!
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- October 24, 2017
Advice for the MIT Interview keep b r e a t h i n g
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- October 6, 2017
For applicants affected by natural disasters
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- September 25, 2017
Admissions Videos Over the Years The 90s were, uh, different
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- September 14, 2017
Introducing the New 2017 Bloggers Let's get ready to ruuummmmble!
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- September 7, 2017
Writing the MIT Application Essays Hurgh. I know.
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- August 28, 2017
O hai A reintroduction
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- August 7, 2017
Snot, Livers, and Fractals What a world.
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- May 25, 2015
Alum FAQs I'm baaaaaaaaack
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- August 11, 2014
Leaving Massachusetts is the hardest state to draw.
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- September 24, 2013