Powers '23
- Course 6

Hi, my name’s Caroline Powers! But everyone just calls me Powers, so let's do that :)
I’m a writer, theater nerd, Wisconsinite, giver of hugs, and life enthusiast who’s on a mission to discover the secrets of the universe and find free food whenever possible.
My two main interests are the arts and STEM, which is a lot of things! I don’t even remotely know what I want to major in yet, but I enjoy physics (course 8), math (course 18), engineering (many, many different courses) and programming (course 6). That doesn't really narrow down my options too much, but I’m okay with that.
Other pertinent information about me includes the fact that I live in a lovely dorm called East Campus, I have an affinity for the outdoors, and I love to cook. At MIT, I hope to figure things out. Math equations, real-world problems, how to ride the Boston T, who I am, what the heck is going on, everything.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
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