into the pi day verse by Tim
3/14/22 at 6:28 PM ET
MIT Regular Action decisions will be available online Monday, March 14 at 6:28 PM ET.
To check your decision, visit apply.mitadmissions.org/apply and go to your Application Status Page. That’s the same place that you’ve been tracking your application checklist, which will now be turned off.
If you still need help after that, feel free to email us at [email protected] and a friendly guy named Grant, or someone from our admissions team,01 please be nice to them will be there to help
Soooo…what to do between now and then besides watching traversing the MIT-verse? I asked a bunch of people and here’s what they said:
Cami ’23– spend time w friends!! Scrapbook!! play w a dog!!
Audrey ’24– I enjoyed going on runs and wandering around town checking out random shops that I’ve always known existed but never stepped foot into.
Felix ’23– take a walk!!
Alison ’23– Hang out with friends, watch dumb cat videos on youtube, follow a bob ross tutorial, learn how to shoot rubber bands extremely accurately, try a new type of juice, take a walk and get lost (safely??), climb a tree (safely??), try to follow a squirrel around for over 20 minutes
Kidist ’22– hmm turn to comfort movies and shows or start something new. reading is also great but I remember being too stressed to do that and binging Wass all I did.
Angela ’24– Hmmm watch Mean Girls and try to emulate Regina George and know that everything will be ok in the end if you’re being genuine and doing what you love (even if that takes getting hit by a truck to get there)
Margaret ’23– Very honest list here: 1. Sit for a while by a window, look at the sky (I hope there is a sunset) 2. Write down what you feel rn, maybe journal, maybe draw. 3. Go get your favorite drink/pastry 4. Cook something, see chemistry cook up in your pan/pot, watch how liquids swirl and flow
Waly ’24– hmmm I think I would recommend binging a show. probably one of the more wholesome kind, or reading a good webcomic or something. probably also really long walks/picture taking
Kellen– If it was me, I would probably watch Ranking of Kings and listen to Few Good Things by Saba. Maybe play some Sifu. But, you aren’t me, so go do something you enjoy with the people you like.
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