My Second… Fifth Week? by Anthony R. '09
Okay, so it’s been inexcusably long since I last wrote here.
This is probably a good indicator of how busy one can get at MIT if he or she tries. :-)
Physics is a continual thorn in my side, but everything else seems to be going well. The weather has been great the past couple days, I’ve been meeting with various faculty to shape the perfect path for the future, I’ve been working on some projects on the side…
Ultimately, though, what I’m here to do is tell you about life at MIT.
Selection’s all over and the fate of the MIT Class of 2010 is (more or less) set in stone. You’re eagerly awaiting your decisions — now, for the first time ever, *online* — and I’m here thinking about how awesome CPW’s going to be next month. I can’t wait to meet you all, really!
French class is a lot of fun, and we’re investigating some interesting topics in my intercultural communication course. In the next couple of weeks, I’ll write a five-page paper on the different communication “cultures” of men and women, with preparatory reading of You Just Don’t Understand by Deborah Tannen. It sounds more like a marriage counseling book than like something you’d come across at MIT, but I suppose most anything can be defined as a “culture.” Indeed, we spend the first class day doing just that. :)
I’ve kept a strong outlook of what lies ahead, especially as the second semester wears on. I continue to lean toward a major in management science, with a keen focus on transportation systems through a concentration in operations research, and minors in Applied International Studies, and in something within the urban studies/planning program. And for later, I’m looking at the MS in transportation offered by the civil engineering department.
After a long week of homework and meetings, I took today off and went for a walk around downtown Boston. I hadn’t talked to my Dad in about a week, and so just as I was holding an ice cream cup near the theater district, he called. I had to balance the cup on a concrete post for a few minutes before I could explain that it would be a lot better if I could call back later. :-P
Okay, that’s that. If I had something truly interesting to write, I’d be writing it, but sometimes classes just hum along, the day’s substance providing for little reflection. How are you guys spending these pre-Spring Break days, and furthermore, what are you doing for Spring Break?
Hey Anthony
Yeah physics is a thorn in the side even though I do want to major in mechanical engineering :D
For spring break: Senior triiiiiiiiiip to Malaysia
MIT decisions 4 days before senior trip….ridiculously nervous….wish me luck :/
Good luck to all!!
6 Days, 40 Minutes
Abdulaziz (Aziz) Albahar
Glad to hear you’re enjoying French–I’m having a good time too. I’m thinking about continuing taking some classes in the fall….I’m curious to know what you are covering right now in terms of grammar. How did you like the IAP fast paced French class?
Thanks for your help! And see you at CPW!
Hey Anthony! It’s the guy who visited your Calc recitation two weeks ago. I said I’d leave a comment on your blog, so…hi.
Spring break, my foot. There /is/ no spring break in my town. Everywhere in our immediate vicinity has one, but not here. Cursed administration.
Wow Anthony, that’s great that you could spare some time to write an entry. I think You Just Don’t Understand is hilarious, and The Argument Culture by the same author is funny as well. I’ll spend my spring break revising for IB exams, and it’s like pouf, c’en est trop, je ne veux plus en parler. Good luck to you with French, and good luck to me with MIT!
Physics a thorn in your side??? AN MIT STUDENT DISLIKES PHYSICS? What are you, Tony? A humanities major at MIT?
I know its demanding academic environment at MIT, but [Physics is a continual thorn in my side…] ? A bolt from the blue for me!
I’m pretty sure men and women communicate much more differently than most ethnically defined cultures do, so I can definitely see why that’s something worth studying in such a class =P
Good luck with physics…and hey, aren’t you going to tell everyone what YOU’RE doing for spring break?
What’s wrong with a Humanities major at MIT? At least Wikipedia thinks it is one of the best schools for econs and mgmt in the nation
. MIT rocks! Btw, Anthony, you should tell us more about how you’re liking your classes! Cheers.
To my Anonymous Heckler:
While I’m not going to be a humanities major at MIT, there is certainly nothing wrong or derogatory about being one. Some of the most incredibly bright folks I know here are pursuing advanced study in the humanities, and our programs are no slouch. I have found the language programs to be particularly strong.
I think the fault is yours for stereotyping a student body of nearly 10,000
Pre-break: Performing in the spring musical
Spring break: visiting friends at MIT!
What are you doing for break?
I need your help…..
How can I translate the Foreign Income Tax Return ???
[email protected]
I am also a train rider (unfortunately, Amtrack in the Midwest isn’t nearly as good as service in the East). This weekend, I had possibly my most interesting/ unusual train experience ever. Returning to Michigan from Chicago, my train hit a person…No kidding. The guy was a pedestrian, rumored to have been playing chicken with the train…Obviously, the train won (It was a fatal accident)…So, I was wondering: What has been your most unsual experience while on a train?
Hey Anthony,
This post isn’t really in response to this particular blog, but really one from several months ago. These last few days I frequently found myself visiting your blog from October regarding EA decisions (So You’re Applying to College) as it really helps me think about life in the bigger picture, where MIT is not an end but just a stepping stone. Even though I read it several months ago, it’s always helped to keep this whole college admissions thing in perspective and alleviate any extreme stress that would probably have been coming from my end. And so, if I don’t make MIT, I’ll be sad of course, but I’ll pick myself right up and go where I am accepted with bright eyes and an open mind. If I am accepted, I’ll probably go crazy (in a good way) like I was planning to, but I won’t quit or let senioritis strike because like you said, everything is in preparation of the next part of life. So, thanks again, and take care!
– Wenhao Sun
Haha, talking about senioritis, I’m having one, although decisions are not out yet. Any tips and advice?