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Apply / Understanding the process
Composite profile for 2024-2027
Composite profile for the MIT Classes of 2024–2027 In this composite profile, we have averaged the demographic composition of the first-year classes of 2024-2027; i.e., the MIT student body as a current undergraduate -
Apply / Transfer applicants
The transfer application
Office of Undergraduate Admissions 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E38 -
Discover / About MIT
Life after MIT
Institute (e.g. by joining the Educational Council of alumni interviewers), as well as informal service consistent with the MIT mission (e.g. by -
Apply / First-year applicants
Deadlines & requirements
Undergraduate Admissions 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E38-200 Cambridge, MA 02139 -
Maps, directions, parking
("welcome center", "E38"), services ("public parking") or whatever else you -
domain (i.e., not on for historical reasons: when we started our ... accurate in specific operational details (e.g. when that year's decisions will be released) or facts about the institution (e.g. how many clubs -
Discover / The MIT education
Majors & minors
No Computer Science and Engineering and Computer Science CS&E/6 ... Entrepreneurship & Innovation E&I No ✅Yes Environmental Engineering ... Humanities and Engineering 21E ✅Yes No Humanities and Science 21S ✅Yes -
Arts and music
-long wall in the tunnels that connect Buildings 66 and E17 underground by -
Apply / Transfer applicants
Transfer eligibility
completed more than two and a half years (i.e., five terms) of college may not -
Discover / Life and culture
Eating at MIT
note='E.g. in a residence that doesn’t have a dining hall, in FSILG -
Discover / The MIT education
Maker education
social entrepreneurship. [embed] -
licensing our content under different terms (i.e. for use in a commercial -
infinite MIT
. 2.009: MechE’s amazing class, Product Design Processes 2.009 is one -
Blog / Academics & Research
e) Other Some pretty important stuff, and then just some pretty stuff.
have to go through. e) Other (please specify)." It took me a while to ... only one who can really "specify" answer choice e) is the person making ... finish off a long answer to a short question, my answer is most certainly e -
Blog / Best of the Blogs
A Decade in Online Posting looking back: from the forums to the blogs
character, animated in the appropriate style"]fankids yaaaaaaaay (・ω -
Blog / Academics & Research
Love, organically Mitra and I feel it in our fingers and feel it in our tosylates.
notes about strong nucleophiles and SN1 or E2 reactions, enolate ... so, we sent Dr. Tabacco an e-mail. Now, I don't have the original text ... , we got a response. Now, again, I don't have the exact e-mail to quote -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
This Bathroom Ceiling Some science, some fiction: traverse the space and time of our bathroom ceiling.
This summer while Random Hall is closed I am living on Beast, 2E, the ... about the bathroom closest to my room. The 2E Bemis bathroom has two ... species we have previously glimpsed from Earth. Specimen 54686520556E