myself. All of the applications have been fantastic! (There's still a week left before the EA deadline, for those of you who are procrastinating ... all end up.
I have a lot of blog-comment-questions to respond to - look
Thanks for all of the advice on my previous entry. I have decided to take 11.025J D-Lab: Development, since I have studied "issues of ... would take
CMS.410 Popular Culture in the Age of Media Convergence
Quoting Prashant from the last thread, "Number of ways to compare two applicants from a pool of 10,500 is 10500(C)2 = (10500!)/(2!*(10498!))"
I don't need to win the USAMO to know that's a lot of ways.
What a lively
that can help.
Approximately 44% of graduates go directly to employment, and 49% of the Class of 2024 went directly to grad school.
The average starting salary for an MIT undergraduate—regardless of major—is $126
Each year we aim for a class of approximately 1,100 students. Based on our estimates of the percentage of admitted students who will attend ... with the uncertainties, we also keep a wait list of students.
We won
Unfortunately this semester, I left the selection of my HASS class to last, so I have to find one that fits my schedule instead of ... ; let me know what you think!
11.002J Fundamentals of Public Policy
Most of my entries center around things I've learned or ... through the 4 years of masochistic glory that is MIT.
This is not one of ... background: MIT apparently leads the pack of Ivy+ institutions in Facebook page
the truth?
I was up at 7 today to work on a prelab and then went to a 9:30 class then a class at 11 and ate lunch on campus at 12 before going to lab at 1 where I worked until 5:15 and went back to my dorm but on the way
you through the unsatisfying yet convenient medium of cell phone ... minute. Either the ounce of fluff in its jaws was somehow dulling its survival instincts, or it was wondering if I was made of the same material. I
As many of you know, I'm an avid reader of the New York Times. Reading the Sunday paper is a favorite part of my week. During less busy times of the year, I'll do the crossword in the Magazine. Also in the
In one of the 28 (and counting!) responses to my last post, Kelly ... of applications I still have to read.
The other work (yes, other work ... I have responded to all of your comments and emails (this time, I
to come in heavily. I decided I'd help with the buckets and buckets of filing to be done. Doing all that filing reminded me of Being John ... with a doctor:
Dr. Lester: Which of these two letters comes first, this
, so did the new decoration of the MIT dome. Sometime late Saturday ... on the roof of the Great Dome as an homage to the Marvel hero. Via the Globe:
One of the jokesters — they cheekily call themselves “hackers” — reached
Yesterday Spanish House celebrated Boston's record breaking snow fall with the WTF(Winter Time Fun) Barbecue! Who says a few feet of snow signals the end of outdoor activites.
Photo Credit to Hollie O. '15
are some images I've collected over the course of the month.
Enjoy ... open space signifies an abundance of opportunities.
The Charles River:
My newest source of vitality and inspiration
Seen from the MIT Sailing
Many thanks to the Global Grand Challeneges Summit staff for the photos, and to Ed McCann and Mark Murcko for some of the anecdotes and quotes of the scientists featured here.