are full of broken links. What up, guys. I got a degree from MIT and it ... then you will be made of fail and then the little voice in your head that mocks you all the time will point and laugh at you for ten million years
with aid packages. Admitted students can then choose to accept our offer (it is an understood part of admissions that some people will shuffle around during the waitlist period; you will lose your deposit at the other
graduate degreeat MIT, he got his undergraduate
degree from this diverse ... buckets of mail, plus all of the online application pieces. It's pretty ... MIT portal, be patient. We still have a lot of application pieces to enter and
the first day of classes is Tuesday, YIKES!
But I didn't get through IAP without learning a little bit, at least.
Let's hop in the Techno ... 'd spend 4 hours every Saturday at etiquette school trying to learn how to
."]abroad.[/annotation] Some of the international scholarships in the UK would offer 2 years of ... 's are only 1-2 years and happen at a much less formative period of life ... schools I looked at. A friend of mine is applying for grad schools in a more
said you love is still a healthy one. Yes in the course of one year at ... topic for a lot of students at MIT, and that's because everyone has ... months all of you prefrosh will shed the "pre" (presumably through the use
DID YOU KNOW? Upon hearing one of Bach's motets late in his life ... KIum said she would buy every piece in Uli's collection, and some of them ... those prints mightily in the warm weather of Saint-Tropez.
Then again
. I only wish we had room at MIT for more of the amazing people on the ... we offer has grown over time as a result of advancements in science and ... here and over at College Confidential. Haven't had much time to hang out
We offered 389 applicants -- approximately 3% of applicants -- a ... accept our offerof admission. Some years, we overpredict (as in the past ... the offerof admission from another college before May 1. After May 1
just take a ceiling tile down at Random instead of having to lie on your ... three days felt like the longest three days of my life. My total sleep ... lot. My adrenaline was at an all-time high, fueled by the Institue
text of Learning to Learn at MIT below:
It was the end of my freshman ... first semester at MIT was pass or no record, I was in real danger of ... would lose a semester of time here at MIT. In addition, because of the
questions and comments everyone had. One of my co-workers, Robin, offered an ... tattoo. Christina finds the corpse of a jellyfish and we throw it at each ... The day in question is Thursday, one day before the end of my
I can’t speak for the accessibility of research positions at other ... Note: This post will be updated at irregular intervals today ... in a chair in Hayden Library. Although arguably, it’s just a bunch of
Hall has a step at the entrance. Don’t trip over it.
Tomorrow you should ... recognized me and asked for a sticker because of something I said a year ago ... , if you’d like.
What follows are this CPW’s super-exciting events at
-you-can-eat dinners that each of the five dining halls have to offer. Which dining hall ... variety of food Maseeh offers. As someone who observes a halal-diet, my ...
Although eating at Next House involves a 15 min march to the end of dorm row
on thursday morning, i woke up at 9 am, after only six hours of sleep ... at least had to put some amount of effort into the project. when i ... , and mucus discharged from my faucet of a nose. unsurprising, given what
So the four year roller coaster called "Quest for a degree from MIT" has come to a close. And of course, it wouldn't be blogworthy unless there was more of a story than that.
So this semester I had just one
’t called in a week. I’ve been kind of hosed.
Mom: Are you sick again? You ... , I’ve been taking my vitamins. And I’m on my third carton of orange ... . Like, I had walking pneumonia at least twice in high school, have managed
'm really suprised at the number of public toilets there are in Tokyo. Shame ... it. >"<
Last IAP, we had 3 hours of class everyday in the ... Japanese couple who loves to travel (the grandmother, at 67 years, is