Final Projects Some examples of some projects you might see in MIT writing classes by Rachel D. '16 December 13, 2015
Ideate, Model, TEST! A long, behind-the-scenes look at 2.009 like, really long. by Michael C. '16 December 10, 2015
2.009 Final Presentations Live Webcast Project Engineering Processes aka The Most Fun A Course 2 Major Can Have Without Their… by Selam G. '18 December 7, 2015
Psetting in Connecticut Tales of my trip to a figure skating competition by Kevin S. '19 November 29, 2015
A Walk down CourseRoad Lane A boulevard of broken dreams and dropped classes by Joel G. '18 November 24, 2015
MIT Mac4Change MIT students raising money to feed the homeless on Veteran's day by Erick P. '17 November 23, 2015
I never want to finish my P.E. requirement MIT PE might be the best thing that's happened in my whole (short) athletic history by Anelise N. '19 November 16, 2015
Introducing Amino: Desktop Bioengineering for Everyone an MIT alumna makes a counter-top sized biolab that enables anyone to grow living cells… by Chris Peterson SM '13 October 13, 2015