‘Just Chillax’ [about your college essays] My little brother is wicked smaht. by Elizabeth Choe '13 November 22, 2010 14 comments
Defying That Sinking Feeling On learning to swim and envisioning success by Emad T. '14 October 29, 2010 10 comments
Human After All Unlike customer service nowadays, MIT (and its admissions office) is 100% human. Give or take… by Emad T. '14 October 19, 2010 20 comments
Decisions, Decisions…..*sigh* Is (Fill in the Blank) University the right school for me? by Quinton McArthur April 22, 2010
On taking a ‘Gap Year’ Consider taking a year before entering college. by Matt McGann '00 April 21, 2010
It’s a puzzlement… ...or why I really love reading your applications! by Kim Hunter '86 January 16, 2010
Show, Don’t Tell! (the College Essay, Pt. 2) My take on the MIT short essays. by Chris S. '11 December 23, 2009
How to look over your application and advice about breathing. My older younger brother is your age. I am fully aware of how much you’re… by Shannon M. '12 October 28, 2009 24 comments
Obama’s Visiting MIT! Does that mean he gets an advantage in the admissions process? by Mikey Yang '05 October 20, 2009 22 comments