Why I came to MIT A few reasons I chose MIT, and I few reasons that would have made me… by Mollie B. '06 March 7, 2006 18 comments
A person can develop a cough. Simultaneously the coldest and hottest entry I've ever written. by Sam M. '07 March 6, 2006 28 comments
Fondue: fun and done A break from admissions at the Fondue party. by Matt McGann '00 March 5, 2006 33 comments
Melis and the AXO Chocolate Factory AXO Fondue was last night! by Melis A. '08 March 5, 2006 4 comments
Conversations with graders And other ramblings of a frosh... by Laura N. '09 March 3, 2006 14 comments
Tomorrow is MacVicar day! Tomorrow is MacVicar day. See poster presentations by MIT students who have made an impact… by Melis A. '08 March 2, 2006 2 comments
Indra Nooyi presentation A presentation from Indra Nooyi, President & Chief Financial Officer for PepsiCo. by Mitra L. '07 February 28, 2006 2 comments
Citius, Altius, Mens et Manus In the words of a great woman, "Yay, a hack!" by Sam M. '07 February 28, 2006 8 comments
Fun With Photoshop Do you have mad Photoshop skills? Show us. by Ben Jones February 27, 2006 43 comments