When I tell people that I spent January in Andorra, their first question is usually “…What’s Andorra?” It’s a question I’ve gotten pretty good at answering over the past couple…
This IAP was my first time ever outside of the United States! El Mirador del Valle–the most beautiful view of Toledo. Photo credit: Rachel Lily Terry, the amazing photographer of…
My hometown is a real-world manifestation of the phrase “the wrong side of the tracks.” In fact, I’m from the wrong side of TWO tracks. In Middletown, NJ, the residents…
So, a few weeks ago, Matt gave me an excellent idea for content: recycling! So, welcome to “Flashback: Part 1,” where my older and wiser senior self will laugh herself…
applicant n i jus wanted to ask y dsnt my application status show that my evaluations have been received even though they were deliverd a long time ago...n ... available as yet n ill be takin da subject tests on the jan date so i really
wednesday, november 15 i wake up from a weird dream. it’s five minutes before my alarm goes off. i haven’t woken up naturally in a while, so this is a…
After a short burst of productivity in January, I proceeded to not write a mere sentence for months on the blogs. This makes the 6-month hiatus my longest dry streak…
I’m gonna be honest: I’ve written and deleted and re-written and deleted this post at least three times now. It’s literally not even that deep of a topic. “Just write…