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Blog / Events
President Susan Hockfield
To: "All Members of the MIT Community" From: "Kathryn A ... for Susan Hockfield To all members of the MIT community:   ... Hockfield on her first day as president of MIT. Monday, December 6 -
Blog / Admissions
The reading season begins
? That's right -- the first completed folders of the year. The brown ... reading carefully every sheet of paper in your folder and summarizing the case on that summary card. Then, in a month, we'll bring all of the cases -
FAQ / Academics and research
Does MIT offer a pre-med program?
Approximately 10 percent of MIT's senior class enter medical and ... prehealth major; rather, students can pursue a variety of majors and take ... Prehealth Advising during the spring semester of their sophomore year. -
FAQ / First-year application
Do dual enrollment students apply as a first-year or transfer applicant?
-year applicant regardless of how many units of study you may have taken at the university level. Information on transfer credit is available at the Office of -
FAQ / Academics and research
How does pass/no record work?
of A/B/C. As part of the flexible pass/no record grading option, you ... after your first term, and at any time during your course of study. -
FAQ / Academics and research
Can I study Global Change Science/Climate?
predict changes in the global environment. Additionally, a variety of ... innovation toward climate science, including the Department of Earth ... of Global Change, and the MIT Energy Initiative. -
FAQ / Academics and research
Can I join the IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge?
One of the highlights of MIT's yearly academic challenges and competitions, the IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge, connects students with the passion and talent to improve the world with the experience and resources of -
FAQ / Life and culture
How does one attain a Pirate License?
undergraduates must complete eight points of physical education classes to graduate ... H. '20 is one of the students who has earned official MIT Pirate ... of physical education. “They’re tactical. They involve strategy. Plus -
FAQ / First-year application
Does MIT have required classes or language requirements?
students to increase their chances of admission. We don't have any required ... , chemistry, biology, and four years of English. We want you to take the most ... and IB coursework as college level and the highest level of rigor in -
Blog / Uncategorized
holidays in boston a photodump for you to procrastinate with
instead of studying for my [annotation note="I'm posting this as I leave for ... lack of any holiday spirit inside of me, I have done a very minor amount of holiday-themed things around campus/Boston to remind us all to have -
Blog / Academics & Research
Becoming a Mad Scientist a required class for all meches!
figuring out the optimal scoop-ability of your favorite [annotation note="or sherbert, if you’re me"]ice cream[/annotation]? What about the power of nerf gun bullets? Or maybe the power of a single footstep? Want to know the -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
oversharing first base what have I been up to for the last 2+ years?
the blog train for a bunch of reasons, and then never quite figured out ... a year, and I've been living in comfortable silence for almost all of ... movie adaptations of good books, clothes that are the wrong size, the -
Blog / Life after MIT
Remembering Woodie Flowers they say don't meet your heroes, but some exceed your expectations
died after medical complications. He was 75, and one of the finest men I have ever known. For many of our readers, I suspect Woodie needs no introduction: to the tens of thousands of FIRST participants around the world -
Blog / Admissions
To All the Blogs I’ve Loved Before Hello? Is this thing on?
job interview, and I made the HUGE mistake of not studying a campus map ... . Most of the times I have asked other admissions officers how they got ... of college, I searched for opportunities at nonprofit organizations -
Blog / Academics & Research
Eyes Wide a scandalous, unintentionally-devoid-of-meaning recent history
had come to $3.14, the monetary equivalent of the ratio between a circle ... jokes (out of pity). It is currently the first day of school’s eve, more ... did not say it was impossible.) Glamour shot of the East Campus -
Blog / Academics & Research
Blended Learning at MIT benefits of technology in MIT classrooms
See the original version of this post on the Office of Digital ... equivalent of a textbook.” This week, a panel of four MITx ... classes at MIT as part of a series of xTalks hosted by the Office of -
Blog / Athletics
Miscellany In which I talk about my life and Fancy sportsball DNA folk songs
feel like: So I just made a vlog to get back in the rhythm of filming ... the video and there has been a crazy amount of MIT-related things ... Thanksgiving, making it impossible to attend all of them), I'll go into a couple -
Blog / Academics & Research
Soldering Things pronounced "soddering"
to develop and test these sorts of things in an environment where if ... tens of thousands of dollars of payload into the emptiness of space just ... . You see, one of the things I want most to get out of freshman year is to -
Blog / Admissions
Just To Be Clear: We Don’t Do Legacy anatomy of a WTF in the WSJ
admissions process. For those of you not familiar with the practice, “legacy admissions” means preferring the children of alumni in the admissions process ... give you money. Advocates of legacy admission, like advocates of