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Blog / Events
[Joint Post] Avoiding Sunstroke Solar Cars, Solar Stories, Solar Blogs
chases it. I am driving the solar car. It’s 90 degrees outside, which means I ... but silent. The shrill call of cicadas offered a sense of solidarity -
Blog / Admissions
Best of the Ben Blogs Looking back at Ben's four years on the blogs.
picks are offered admission. I beg, I plead, I make ridiculous promises ... of 42.6 degrees for said aardvark, where is the banana and why is that -
Blog / Miscellaneous
i don’t know where you’re going but do you got room for one more troubled soul?
you something about graduating with a biomedical engineering degree from ... bench in Amsterdam as I complete my thesis for my Media Studies degree -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
Don’t Eat the Hot Glass Five things you can’t eat in the MIT Glass Lab for “health and safety” reasons…
to thousands of degrees in the furnace. Talk about defective! I tried ... on about “third-degree burns”, I gazed around the room and crafted a -
Blog / Athletics
sunscreen physical health and stuff
teenager i could walk in shorts in 40 degree (fahrenheit) weather without any issue, whereas currently the weather in boston is around 50 degrees and i -
Blog / Announcements
Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day with AISES + NASA
supporter of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. She has an economics degree from Princeton, a business degree from the MIT Sloan School, and an M -
Blog / Academics & Research
Looking Forward and Backward 10 Memories and 8 Resolutions
it. 10. Walking over the Harvard Bridge in 2 degree temperatures with a real feel of -15 degrees. Just don’t do this one. Highly not recommended -
Blog / MIT History & Culture
Milk, Cookies and Dangerous Secrets Somewhere at the cloying helm of exponential senselessness (weird post incoming)
degree in whatever major his little, fermented heart desired. I bet Milk ... wanted a degree from MIT? How did we know he even wanted to hear funny -
Blog / MIT Life
2 More MIT Students Become Rhodes Scholars ...but no bloggers this year.
to Oxford University to read for a degree in the Philosophy, Politics ... communities." After earning a degree from Oxford, Matt plans to return to the -
Blog / Academics & Research
So, uh… help me pick classes I have no classes.
remaining requirement for my physics degree (aside from my thesis): 8.07 or 8 ... permission to go ahead with 8.351 for my physics degree restricted electives (8 -
Blog / Academics & Research
Whew! A brief interlude before I go back to studying.
degrees and got a whole lot of planning experience being the operations ... E class I need for my degree, and I'm doing a lot better this term. I'm too -
Blog / MIT Life
Questions and Answers Evan Broder is taking over my job.
from my high school at year 03. Am i too old to get the bachelor degree ... school and college, but if you already have a bachelor's degree somewhere -
Blog / About Decisions
Making your college decision May 1st! Have you decided?
House when it was -20 degrees outside. But, now I get to complain about it ... . It's only 50 degrees today and everyone is hanging out outside, because -
Blog / How to Food
[Guest Post] Your Guide to Boston Cafes a letter from chomps
; versatile and diverse, they offer a quick yet intimate glimpse into a ... me up spot, Phin offers a relaxed study space with a menu combining ... minute walk from campus Gypsy is a cozy Bohemian cafe offering a variety -
Blog / About Decisions
MIT Early Action Decisions Now Available Online
offered early admission to 721. Though they are all different in their own ... informed 3,039 students that we will not be able to offer them admission this -
Blog / About Decisions
MIT Early Action Decisions Now Available Online
offered early admission to 661. Though they are all different in their own ... ,251 students that we will not be able to offer them admission this year. This -
Blog / About Decisions
MIT Early Action Decisions Now Available Online
offered early admission to 685. Though they are all different in their own ... offer them admission this year. This decision has been made with care, and -
Blog / About Decisions
MIT Early Action Decisions Now Available Online
Class of 2026, and as of *checks watch* right now, we have offered early ... ,959 students that we will not be able to offer them admission this year. This -
Blog / Denied by MIT, Now [X]
Denied by MIT, now a PhD student at the Media Lab
It's never easy to turn people down from MIT. But sometimes, around decision day, I unexpectedly hear from students to whom we did not offer ... are among the many stellar students to whom we are not offering