A few months ago, May. When I’m away from you, I’m happier than ever Wish I could explain it better — Happier than Ever by Billie Eilish It’s final projects…
*puts on CMS hat* I LOVE watching media analysis video essays. Whenever I finish a relatively mainstream series (ex. The Owl House, The Hunger Games, Avatar the Last Airbender), I…
tl;dr it’s cool to explore interests completely different from what your high school self would’ve expected! After five semesters at MIT, two change of majors forms, and many advisor meetings…
The Putz-Tetazoo exchange program is a longstanding tradition where a resident of Tetazoo20 third floor of the east parallel of the dorm East Campus and a resident of Putz21 second…
dun dun dUNNNN EA decisions are tomorrow :O, as y’all probably know too well. If you get in, here’s a virtual mug of my favorite tea31 I just discovered this…