Elizabeth Choe '13
- Content Queen

Recent Posts
Movie Marathon, Pt. I Watch ALL the things!
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- May 30, 2013
The Craziest of Weeks I had one.
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- March 21, 2013
Calm Down and Breathe Heeeeeehooooooo
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- January 20, 2013
Adulthood Boom!
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- January 14, 2013
For Newtown
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- December 18, 2012
The Senior Bucket List, Pt. I Do ALL the things!
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- November 18, 2012
Every now and then, my mind = blown. Thanks, Science!
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- November 11, 2012
A question for you… No seriously I have a question
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- October 22, 2012
Cynic This is mainly a reminder note to myself.
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- September 27, 2012
Two Days in the Life In which I overuse Instagram.
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- September 15, 2012
Sounds of Summer What've you been listening to lately?
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- August 30, 2012
Summer Adventures in MO Midwest is the best.
- by Elizabeth Choe '13
- August 14, 2012