Ming-fai Fong- Designing an intelligent walking “toddler” robot After learning to sit, bend their knees, squat, and stand, babies can finally gather the… by Melis A. '08 September 15, 2005 4 comments
No more physics It was Day 2 of classes when I got kicked out of one! (Only it… by Laura N. '09 September 13, 2005 3 comments
Double diplomas The only thing better than one MIT degree is TWO MIT degrees! by Mollie B. '06 September 12, 2005 6 comments
Do you have class? A view of my classes for the fall semester, with some photos from their first… by Anthony R. '09 September 8, 2005 8 comments
You stay classy, Sam… TA, go! At MIT, I live in a basement and I don't get to watch Desperate Housewives. by Sam M. '07 September 8, 2005 2 comments
First day of classes What some MIT freshman schedules look like. by Matt McGann '00 September 8, 2005 9 comments
UROP Deadlines and Openings The deadline for Fall Direct Funding is September 15, so hurry up and find yourself… by Melis A. '08 September 7, 2005 3 comments
Fun with Legos A photo journal of THE coolest room I've ever seen. by Laura N. '09 September 6, 2005 8 comments
Hurricane Katrina Trying to help, to the extent that we can. by Matt McGann '00 September 2, 2005 6 comments
Victorian Literature? MIT, perhaps surprisingly, has top programs in ethnomusicology, the history of Islamic architecture, and more... by Matt McGann '00 August 24, 2005 5 comments
Emily Levesque- How megastars evolve Emily spent the summer of 2004 conducting astronomy research at the Kitt Peak National Observatory… by Melis A. '08 August 20, 2005
Pre-med, Everybody’s Best Friend If you are considering a career in medicine -- and not as a pharmacist. by Mitra L. '07 August 13, 2005 5 comments