High School Summer Research Programs And the science competitions that could potentially follow by Rachel D. '16 December 21, 2014 7 comments
Vlogging about Course 3 and Applying to MIT A video in which I talk to myself and I am an awkward MIT student… by Rachel D. '16 December 3, 2014 21 comments
My Talk @ Maker Faire a bit about how we see, select, and support makers by Chris Peterson SM '13 October 28, 2014 37 comments
California Love a week in the life of an admissions officer on the road by Chris Peterson SM '13 September 12, 2014 22 comments
Reflecting on 10 Years and Lessons Learned Happy Birthday, MIT Blogs! by Kim D. '09 August 7, 2014 12 comments
Why I Took A Gap Year some things you just can't predict by Vincent A. '17 March 12, 2014 49 comments
There are no imposters in the Class of 2018 Strength in networks by Anna H. '14 December 17, 2013 63 comments
Teach ‘til you drop, then draw the Mona Lisa while blindfolded. 573 students, 10 hours. by Anna H. '14 November 26, 2013 16 comments
FAQ for Maker Portfolios You have questions - I have answers! by Dr. Dawn '04, MS '06, PhD '11 October 1, 2013 32 comments
Q&A Passing along some e-mails, and my responses to them. by Anna H. '14 September 21, 2013 12 comments
Introducing… Maker Portfolios! Making the world better, one portfolio at a time by Dr. Dawn '04, MS '06, PhD '11 August 22, 2013 16 comments
9 things I wish I had known before freshman year lessons from an almost-sophomore (see: law of conservation of freshmen) by Michael C. '16 August 15, 2013 24 comments