Blog / Academics & Research The Craziest of Weeks I had one. motivation behind our team's product for the upcoming design pitches. Figure 3 by Elizabeth Choe '13 March 21, 2013
Blog / MIT Life The American Astronomical Society’s Winter Conference: 2013 Edition THIS IS SO EXCITING I THINK I'M GOING TO CRY : There were 3,000 astronomers in there, which became apparent the instant I by Anna H. '14 January 15, 2013
Blog / Admissions The Ultimate Recognition You probably don't know what that is. memorized. Then it'll be 2013, which is hard to believe. On January 3, I fly by Anna H. '14 December 19, 2012
Blog / Events Splash. Was. Awesome. I taught: 3 classes, 5 sections, 246 kids. smile at me from the audience. He's awesome. At 3:05pm, the class begins by Anna H. '14 November 21, 2012
Blog / Academics & Research Dyslexia at MIT Living with dyslexia, and the current state of dyslexia research, at MIT and otherwise face not only the 3.7% international admit rate, but also dyslexia, a by Lydia K. '14, MEng '16 April 7, 2012
Blog / Admissions The Minerva Delusion the political economy of an educational scam markets fund hiding behind the mask of higher education. Question 3: What by Chris Peterson SM '13 April 6, 2012
Blog / Academics & Research Telethon FAQs from a small but enthusiastic sample of prefroshies summer: You receive the i3 (Interactive Introduction to the Institvte by Rachel F. '12 April 5, 2012
Blog / Admissions FIRST Robotics and Alumna-hood I miss my team. quarterfinals, therefore, take place between 8 alliances of 3 teams each. The by Anna H. '14 March 10, 2012
Blog / Events The Making of a Mystery A James Grimmelmann Guest Blog ’: Yes, it’s a Wolfenstein 3D / “Springtime for Hitler” mashup. And yes, it by Chris Peterson SM '13 February 17, 2012
Blog / Academics & Research Appreciating America in Tokyo (or Things I Never Finished, Part Two) On Japan and America. And being an American in Japan. Happy Memorial Day! who's 6'3" at Japan's busiest subway station, it's also a major by Jess K. '10 May 30, 2011
Blog / Academics & Research A *Major* Dilemma Will you forgive the pun if I tell you that I just declared my major? , and 3) a group of subjects with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). All by Anna H. '14 April 22, 2011
Blog / IAP More at Home At thirty thousand feet, thousands of miles away. January 2 in the early – very early – morning, at 3:30am. I was back in by Elijah T. '11 February 11, 2011
Blog / Challenges Help! Learn from my mistakes...and from the Beatles. . There is also S^3, Student Support Services, which can help when things by Anna H. '14 November 23, 2010
Blog / Academics & Research My Second Home You're in your room doing a pset. I'm in my lab making science happen. the microscope for an assay that I was doing, and after 3 hours I had by Chris S. '11 October 30, 2010
Blog / Academics & Research A Preview of Things to Come too fast, too furious owns. and the new humanities requirement. 3. why i spent 40 hours in lab by Chris S. '11 September 26, 2010
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Richard III: Behind-the-scenes [by Grace Kane '11, Guest Blogger] What does it take to put on Shakespeare at… people you can construct a stage with until 3am, then pset with til 5am by ARTalk March 11, 2010
Blog / Admissions Introducing the Class of 2013: Merritt ‘13, Carlos ‘13, Edward ‘13, and John ‘13 The final edition of a nine-part series of articles about the incoming MIT class. , June 1, 2009 at 3:08 p.m. By Carolyn Bowers, StarNews Correspondent John by Matt McGann '00 August 31, 2009
Blog / How to Boston and Beyond A Short Dining Guide to Cambridge Where to find food within walking distance of MIT, other than in my fridge. most of the dorms and ends at Trader Joe's/Whole Foods). 3. Harvest Co by Yan Z. '12 August 23, 2009
Blog / Personal Travel A Heartbreaking Lunch of Staggering Genius I'll write about campus dining some other day. delightful and makes me want to live on a farm in rural France. About 3/4ths by Yan Z. '12 July 30, 2009
Blog / MIT Life What YOU’RE Doing This Summer! Do yourself a favor and watch this! Make sure you're not doing anything for the… obligatory blurring of my face. 3. Post-sunrise at Alishan. (from Chris by Chris S. '11 July 24, 2009