exactly what happened in the first moments of the universe. And word on the ... there are a lot ofuniverse expansion images on my Facebook newsfeed ... 14 billion years ago (ish), the universe Banged and rapidly expanded
. You can watch these remarks, and the distribution of the diplomas (yes, we hand all the real ones out, and read all the names of everyone ... 7th, the Class of 2019 graduates from MIT. They were admitted
Although most of the time I coast through my days in lab in a whirlwind of science glee, I have to admit that every once in a while, the lab ... -- and yesterday, the complexity apparently got the best of me. When I
graduate of my favorite school in the universe, and have a hockey jersey (and ... ;
Aeronautics/Astronautics 1
MIT Alumni Club of Boston 1
Alumni goal: Matt MacLeod
I came out of last night's IM hockey game just
go to other universities. The magic of the Internet, cheap airfare, and ... (+) years of hard work in the classroom, and months of filling out ... classes, and (best of all?) go to college parties! You will roam the
decided to kind of throw most of my writing rules out the window and have ... of the parents and the girlfriend was often only suitable after a long period of dewy-eyed joy and the calls to the superior ones about the
playground of optical physics and offers to give you plenty of brain candy if ... to Wikipedia, and two of them offer interesting solutions to Aviv ... reflecting off a surface at an angle of around 50-60 degrees from the normal
A fire alarm went off in the middle of the first 20.110 exam.
It was one of those times where I felt like the Simulation was glitching, except in a good way.
Half of the class was taking it in one room and the
sake of adding the name of a second subject to their diploma. I'm really ... important feature of your degree track should be later flexibility. Will it ... I've been reading a lot of comments lately about which majors are
/animatics of Steven Universe episodes. It was SO cool to see how such simple and ... , very rigorous, there are tons of really cool classes they offer, and we ... different degrees!
Art classes MIT does not offer: It may have been evident
Life, the Universe, and Everything"
To me, 42 is the number of ... . Breathe. Your time at MIT isn't defined by the number of units you're taking. If you're the kind of person who can maintain your sanity or enjoys the
neighbor Lizz came in to offer her daily dose of humor.
“What do you call ... have a diploma. I have about 100 pictures. I have a sunburn. It's a ... that by now.)
On MIT’s list of 101 things to do before graduation for
version of something that will eventually be posted as official content on ... ball rolling a bit, I hope.
MIT has a long history of admitting homeschooled students, and these students are successful and vibrant members of
universities and medical schools offer biomedical engineering (or bioengineering ... major in Biological Engineering:
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology faculty yesterday approved a new course of study for undergraduates
program, jointly offered by the Departments of Civil and Environmental ... — jointly offered between Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and Earth ... most pressing global challenge of our time. Solutions for mitigating and
plot arc, as well as universal writing elements, such as development of ... ="one-year master’s of engineering, offered to select engineering departments at MIT ... worthwhile.
I took The Folklore of Gaelic Ireland for the fairies and
- 5 PM
Where: 2nd floor of the Student Center (La Sala de Puerto Rico ... Study Abroad programs from England to Australia offer students.
Add to the face value of your education by coupling scholastic endeavors with
Scholarships to cover students who enroll in Chinese universities for degree or non-degree programs. I'll be enrolling at Peking University, and as the ... (funded by one of my departments, Foreign Languages & Literatures). The