Our fabulous Records Office team has processed all of the mail we ... along another copy. There are still many more weeks of reading to be done ... evaluation, the teacher may fax a copy to us. If they need another copy of the
It's a beautiful snowy Sunday in Cambridge, and we're hard at work selecting the Class of 2010. While working on a subcommittee with Jenny and Mike '07, we spied out the window some folks playing in the snow in
Well, I'm back at MIT after a lovely Thanksgiving in the land of the ... Department of Defense, so his family lives on Okinawa, and it would have been ... an American suburb.
We took the commuter rail out of South Station on
pharmacology of synaptic transmission).
But I got outside and the wind was ... to even write either one of these because I have no idea if my ... someone who perhaps is one of the kitchen slobs) is that if you want
which I cheered and Sam trumpeted -- and, due to a malicious ball of ... one side of my body.
Given that this is New England (42o north latitude ... -MIT people who are still interested in the minutiae of your MIT life. My
. Since MIT lives in numbers instead of words, the next step is to gather the numbers of all these classes. So you end up with this:
Day 1:
6 ... flavor text. The flavor text is stressing different components of time
! -- the applicant Class of 2010. As for me, I spent a good part of today ... Musical Theater Guild production of Stephen Sondheim's Company closes ... Maine for a relaxing rest of the three day weekend. Mmm... lobster =)
QuestBridge applicants submit portfolios using the same system that all other MIT applicants use. Portfolio submissions are not expected nor required.
To learn more about the different kinds of portfolios you can
WISE (Weekend Immersion in Science and Engineering) is a three-day experience for rising seniors to learn what it is like to be an MIT student. The program is completely free, including the cost of transportation to
Salman Khan '96 (18 & 6 and Class President!) and MEng '98, started the online learning phenomenon in 1993 when he started tutoring his cousin, Nadia, in math over the internet. By the end of 2006, more
Use your best judgment when completing the Self-Reported Coursework section. We're simply trying to get a clear picture of your academic preparation by subject area—you can't do anything wrong when completing the form
physically and mentally. I learned a lot of lessons that have forever changed my MIT experience.
This semester I did all of my psets early. I ... to every class and completed all of my assignments on time. Freshman