
Hello, and welcome to ARTalk!
Here are our phenomenally awesome bloggers:
Mei '13: Ciao! I’m Mei of 2013, and I have a confession to make: I am substance and the one who has no substance. On that note, I’m enraptured with couture fashion, calligraphy, Koolhaas architecture, and Tao. Around campus, you’ll find me smelling the roses and dancing on an electric feel. Hopefully, my blog will be an exposÉ of the glamorous side of MIT. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da!
Shelby '13: Hey everyone! What's up!? I'm Shelby and I'm a math and music double major, class of 2013. When I'm not studying theoretical math, I'm playing Bach on my violin, singing Black Sabbath songs, listening to eccentric contemporary classical music, or broadcasting my show, Peaceful Purgatory, on the radio. I'm excited to share my interesting artsy experiences with you all!
Jessica '14: I’m a sophomore deciding between Courses 1C and 5 and minoring in music. I sing in Techiya and Chamber Chorus, and I play oboe in MITSO. I love many music-related things, including piano, Les Misérables, The Phantom of the Opera, musicals in general, Chanticleer, and singing outside barefoot at night. I also love the outdoors. Whether I’m biking, hiking, or just exploring, there’s almost always some show tune or piece from rehearsal stuck in my head!
Faye '11: Arts at MIT? I've gotcha covered! My name's Farre (call me Faye-Faye) and I'm a 2011 Urban Studies and Planning undergrad. I dabble in film, video, fine arts, design, and fashion. I'll blog about all the kinds of art adventures, storytimes, and imagineering I experience around campus. Happy reading!
Janet '12: I'm an Urban Studies and Planning major with a concentration in creative writing. I am in love with music and exploring new artists, and am also a member of MIT's Chamber Music Society. Art to me encompasses so many different things, and I enjoy stumbling across it in the most unexpected of places.
Nathan '14: Hi! I’m Nathan, class of 2014, pursuing Biological Engineering. While I’m not pset-ing I am either playing my cello, going to various concerts, cooking, chilling with friends or reading blogs by Maira Kalman and the Sartorialist. I’m excited to become an ARTalk blogger and share my perspective on music and style, amongst other art related things.
Emma '15: Hey, I'm Emma, a prospective course 7 or 20 freshman living on 1E in East Campus. Rather than just dip a toe into the arts scene at MIT, I've jumped in head first and I'm still figuring out how everything works. I'm a newbie in the Muses (all girls a cappella) and Roadkill Buffet (improv comedy), and if that weren't enough, I'm taking 21M.606 (Intro to Stagecraft) and 21.A12 (Arts at MIT) this semester. Basically, I'm a bit of (well, a lot of) a goof who likes theater, music, cooking, photography, and exploring new things. So, I invite you to follow my journey from clueless arts frosh to...well...less clueless arts frosh!
Doug '14: "Who knew you could study this at MIT?" That's what I said when I chose to be 2A with a concentration in product design. A perfect mix of art and engineering for me. I love everything about design from consumer electronics to clothing accessories. I'm currently cross registering at MassArt where I take Industrial Design Studio I. Other than that I have knowledge in graphic design, specifically with making logos. You might find me making an oil painting during finals or when I need a break from classes. I plan to blog about all the things happening in and around Boston centered around design.
Miren '15: Hi! Hello, world! My name is Miren (pronounced like Helen Mirren) and I am a freshman here at MIT. I am thinking of majoring in Course 6 (EECS) with a minor in Theater, MechE, or Comparative Media Studies. I love set and lighting design, scenic painting, and product design, and I currently work primarily with MTG, E33, and the Theater Arts Department. Even my residential life is super artsy; I live in Burton Conner on Burton 1, a floor with a rather high crazy-artist/regular-person ratio. I am taking 21M.A12 (Arts at MIT) this semester with fellow ARTalk bloggers Emma ’15 and Emily ’15, and my current pet project is painting a mural in my room which I will photograph and post for you all once I am done!
Elise '14: Yo, I'm Elise, I'm currently working a Brain and Cognitive Science (9) and a Mathematics (18) major with a possible minor in Architecture (4). I've spent oodles of time with visual arts, both traditional and digital and I don't plan stopping yet! I also have a little soft spot for architecture--more appreciation than participation; majoring in it was just too much for me. Kind of like my relationship with music. But even if you aren't musically or artistically-inclined (or if you are!) it's not hard to appreciate and enjoy arts on and off campus and I'll show you guys how.
Emily '15: Hi! I'm Emily, Class of 2015 and a potential Course 9-er (Brain and Cognitive Sciences). I spend my time doing a lot of theater (acting, costume design, whatever), going to shows/concerts around MIT and Boston, and even playing my violin occasionally. I'm another one of the freshman taking 21M.A12: Arts at MIT, and we've seen some amazing things so far! I'm still exploring all of the (many many) arts opportunities around campus, but I can't wait to share my adventures with you.
Xenia '13: Privet! (“Hello”, Russian) Three quick facts: I am 1) a junior in Mechanical Engineering pursuing my passion for design, 2) Russian and world traveler, 3) an artist. I love to go abroad and fully immerse myself in the culture, especially through dance: from spinning and swaying to salsa in Colombia to tapping the fiery flamenco in Spain, and even at MIT, jumping to Bhangra and hitting the right beat in Dancetroupe. Always seeking out new exhibits, funky events and quirky hidden spots, I will share with you my adventures!
ARTalk also features guest blogs by MIT students, faculty, and staff from a wide variety of programs.
Interested in guest blogging about the arts at MIT? Email Pardis Parsa at [email protected] for more information.
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