Michael C. '16
- Course 2

Hi! I'm Michael, one of the new(ish) kids on the block.
In a nutshell or two: I'm a budding MechE, love building things, and like to pretend I can do a British accent. I'm a writer, a photographer, a Google ninja, a hipster in denial, a fierce advocate of the Oxford comma. And, of course, a blogger.
I spent my high school years in sunny Venice, California, managing to defy every beach bum stereotype (except for the "bum" part). My school life basically revolved around Science Bowl and journalism, where I made my mark as an op-ed columnist by consistently questioning, (constructively) criticizing, and occasionally pissing off the school administration (to the point of them once nearly threatening to suspend me - long story), which naturally made MIT's admissions office eager to hire me.
Like Steve Jobs, I believe strongly in the power of the intersection of science and the humanities, but unlike Steve Jobs, when I intersect the two fields all that usually results is a lame science pun (how many guacs are in a bowl of guacamole? 6.022x10^23), not a multi-zillion dollar product.
Sometimes (always) I make comparisons that don't make sense.
But in all seriousness, the blogs were my first window into MIT, and I want to be that window for you, too. I hope that in between the mixed metaphors and rambling in my posts, you find something valuable. Some insight that you couldn't have gleaned from a glossy brochure.
What will that insight be? I don't know yet. These next few years will be an adventure. Let's find out.
Recent Posts
10 (more) reasons why MIT is beautiful part tvte?
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- April 8, 2016
So what makes a successful MIT student, anyway?
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- September 21, 2015
Is MIT too hard? warning: metaphors ahead
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- March 18, 2015
Goodbye, for now
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- January 28, 2015
Who needs Black Friday anyway? a slightly different take.
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- November 29, 2014
10 reasons why MIT is beautiful if I do say so myself.
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- November 22, 2014
This is my spork.
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- November 20, 2014
I’m studying poetry to be a better engineer, and this is why
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- November 14, 2014
How do you know when you’ve chosen the right major?
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- October 17, 2014
What it’s like to work at NASA and a few other things
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- September 1, 2014
Brass Rat 2016 tunnels, arc reactors, and skycranes
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- February 8, 2014