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Blog / Events
MYSTERY HUNT! Live from Mystery Hunt!
coming soon. I'll let you know that part of today's challenge involved me eating an entire box of cookies and a bag of sun chips. Needless to say, I'm never eating either of those again. If you want to join in and remote -
FAQ / Life and culture
Does MIT have a first generation community on campus?
building a sense of community among first generation MIT students, faculty, alumni, and staff, and raising awareness of their unique experiences ... and personal development of first generation students at MIT. MIT's 17 -
Blog / Decisions Day Threads
Not Admitted A forum
There were a record number of applications for Early Action this year, which unfortunately means that we had to turn down a great number of incredible students. For those of you who fall into this category, this is an -
Blog / MIT Life
A short entry about dorm awesomeness
You know what's awesome about dorms? There's a lot of people in them. A lot of people who use iTunes. What happens when you have a lot of people using iTunes on the same WiFi network? Shared libraries! So many -
Blog / MIT Life
Snapshot #1 Short summary of a long week.
of Boston's air pollution. Soaked in a brew of life-shortening chemicals, I wrestled down the nightmare-inducing plethora of health concerns ... , choking on flying needles of acid precipitation, battled onwards across the -
Blog / Miscellaneous
MITblogs: The Next Generation Look ma, a hack!
Courtesy of the prospective Class of 2013, I am amused and happy to present eight applicants' humble homage to the MIT admissions website: And, of course, where would be without a little help from -
Blog / Admissions
Quick update A short entry, a quick link, and I become Seth Cohen.
In honor of my trip to the OC, Ben made this for me: And the link of the day: The Art of Problem Solving (more on this next entry) A longer update soon... -
Blog / Admissions
CPW Day 3 A recap, with pictures.
to meet all of you! But before we get to that, the rest of the day... Got to MIT early, worked the help desk for a couple of hours. Headed ... ) where I got to meet a bunch of cool MIT alums (some of whom actually read -
FAQ / Academics and research
How awesome is MIT Physics?
The MIT Physics Department is one of the best places in the world for research and education in physics. Fourteen of their alumni and eight of their faculty have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. -
FAQ / Life and culture
Why is it called the Brass Rat?
It's the goal of every incoming student at MIT to get their own Brass Rat—MIT's version of a class ring. The phrase "Brass Rat" is derived from the alleged resemblance of the brass beaver featured on the ring to -
FAQ / First-year application
How do homeschooled students apply?
MIT has a long history of admitting homeschooled students and these students have been successful and vibrant members of our community. We don ... applicants, like all of our applicants, are considered within their context -
Blog / Admissions
ZOMG CPW! The greatest shopping list ever.
: 7 cartons of ice cream* 3 jars of fudge 3 jars of caramel 3 cans of whipped cream 2 jars of sprinkles 2 jars of cherries 3 boxes of brownie mix 3 boxes of cake batter 3 tubs of icing 4 decorating gels 4 packages of -
Blog / Events
Spontaneous 5-Minute Classes on Whatever You Want These are too good not to share
a whirlwind of learning. I've blogged about teaching at these events ... embarrass ourselves as we teach you about them on the spur of the moment ... night, I randomly pull up three of these prompts randomly, to practice the -
Blog / MIT Life
Blog Entry: Recession Edition At MIT, your spoon is too big.
In times of economic crisis, Random Hall perseveres in upholding the traditions that temper the pains of work and study with the welcome relief of ... prepared by a group of residents on Pecker floor and generously shared -
Blog / Events
Fondue: fun and done A break from admissions at the Fondue party.
long Saturday of working to select the class, I hopped on the Safe ... one of the most anticipated parties of the year, a great MIT tradition ... , Eric Klopfer, and Margery Resnick. One of the big appeals of the party -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
Activities Midway Each year, MIT exhibits its 300+ student activities. Friday, I checked them out for you.
event that showcases hundreds of MIT's student groups (you may have seen this over at Sam's blog). Of MIT's 300+ groups, approximately 250 of them ... of MIT student activities, courtesy the Association of Student -
Blog / MIT Life
Class of 2010: Wondering Where Everyone Is Living? Find orientation housemates/roommates.
From Star Simpson '10: Nando Paniagua '10 manually created this database of housing info for at least half (so far) of the class of 2010, so that people can find other orientation housemates/roommates. Check it out -
Blog / Decisions Day Threads
Open Thread: Waitlisted
't accept all of them. We have placed a small number of students on the ... learn more about it, you can read more here. Some of you may feel happy to be waitlisted. Some of you may feel sad. Some of you may have -
Blog / Decisions Day Threads
Open Thread: Waitlisted
accept all of them. We have placed a small number of students on the ... learn more about it, you can read more here. Some of you may feel happy to be waitlisted. Some of you may feel sad. Some of you may have