I’m still alive And I missed entry #2000 by one! Blargh! by Keri G. '10 September 20, 2007 8 comments
There Are No Uninteresting Things I'm taking classes. If you ask nicely, I might tell you about them. by Evan B. '10 September 17, 2007 27 comments
Prof. Ali Khademhosseini: Building tissues, cell-by-cell Khademhosseini, an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the joint MIT-Harvard Health Sciences and Technology Program,… by Melis A. '08 September 7, 2007 10 comments
First Day of School Fall term classes began today at MIT. by Matt McGann '00 September 5, 2007 27 comments
I’m Shipping Up to Boston and I lost my leg! Whoah oh oh.. by Jess K. '10 August 31, 2007 32 comments
I will, I will set this schedule on fire This has been a long time coming. Text- and picture-heavy! Link- and acronym-happy! Take it… by Keri G. '10 August 10, 2007 49 comments
Don’t feed the squirrels In which I work with gifted children. by Keri G. '10 July 5, 2007 15 comments
Bring Your Audience to Work Day In celebration of the annual Bring Your Audience to Work Day, the first Monday of… by Anthony R. '09 July 2, 2007 10 comments
The ‘Magic Paint Brush’ This is so much cooler than MS Paint. by Matt McGann '00 June 20, 2007 19 comments
Ana Posada: Improving the production of an HIV medication Ana Posada, who just graduated from MIT, spent a year and half of her undergraduate… by Melis A. '08 June 13, 2007 16 comments
Intermission Summer job: just kickin' it. And working at Pixar, too. by Jess K. '10 June 7, 2007 12 comments
If the roots are imaginary, then the dots will be blue… Diff EQ what now? by Keri G. '10 May 21, 2007 15 comments