Rome! Gelato, Saint Peter's Basilica, and Vespas for an entire week. by Bryan March 25, 2006 4 comments
Trip to Princeton U Taking advantage of the three-day weekend by taking a trip to Princeton! by Melis A. '08 February 20, 2006 4 comments
The land of the free and the home of the internet Back to life, back to the internet by Mollie B. '06 January 9, 2006 6 comments
Not an actual entry Warning: I am apparently in a run-on sentence/overuse of parenthetical statements mood today. by Mollie B. '06 January 3, 2006 8 comments
More from Ahia I even manage to do MIT-related stuff when I'm 750 miles away. by Mollie B. '06 December 28, 2005 7 comments
We Wear Matching Hats Very nearly one year ago, I wore the hat you're all wearing this week. by Anthony R. '09 December 6, 2005 14 comments
Asking for Directions Two weeks of pondering, photography, and prose. by Anthony R. '09 November 19, 2005 12 comments
Party of One A fun day trip idea when you're getting tired of homework. by Anthony R. '09 September 25, 2005 5 comments
Chasing Roots, Part One During an overnight stay in Milan, I traversed several generations to explore musical history in… by Anthony R. '09 August 18, 2005 6 comments
Breakfast in Paris, Lunch in Geneva, Dinner in Milan Hop on the train and check out some sights leaving France, traversing Switzerland, and entering… by Anthony R. '09 August 9, 2005 8 comments