Blog / Events December Events ? Student Center 3rd Floor, PDR 1 and PDR 2 WHO? sponsored by MEDLINKS and by Mitra L. '07 December 3, 2005
Blog / Admissions Random notes A mystery solved, an updated blog list, and a handful of questions answers. highschool in 3 years. and i am sure that i've read somewhere=> do we have to by Matt McGann '00 November 29, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Back in Cambridge I less than three the holidays. movie) and crash into bed early (that 5/3 of a day thing I talked about by Mollie B. '06 November 26, 2005
Blog / MIT Life “Wangoballwime?” C'mon. You know what this entry is about. Check out the title! because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, but I absolutely hated the 3rd movie by Laura N. '09 November 18, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Quick and dirty I freak out a little about graduate school applications, then answer some questions. spend roughly 3-4 hours reading each week (but some of that can be done by Mollie B. '06 November 10, 2005
Blog / Events Women’s Week 2005 Learn about both the mission and events associated with this year's week-long promotion. knowledge - everything from "Name the top 3 reasons a condom breaks" to "How by Mitra L. '07 November 9, 2005
Blog / MIT Life What’s going on inside my head It might not have been so very important. employment of my high school friend Ryan at Doc Holliday's. 3. Every Friday by Sam M. '07 November 7, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Another week? It's all in the name of pass/no record. . Hey! Darn those morning classes. But 3.091 is videotaped! Oh, but there by Anthony R. '09 November 7, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Small talk How about that weather? is. I've seen plenty of it before. I've seen it piled 3 feet high by Laura N. '09 October 30, 2005
Blog / MIT Life My mom is here! ...and she's critiquing my cheerleading skills. be taken in lieu of 9.07. Yup. 3. Robb and Eric both enthused about the by Mollie B. '06 October 21, 2005
Blog / MIT Life Ruth says update your blog! FIRST is cool. So are rebuses. Meara to work on 3.091. Clifton '09 was there, and when I sat down on the by Laura N. '09 October 19, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research A lot about course 9 chosen from 3 lists. The lists are "neuroscience", "cognitive neuroscience by Mollie B. '06 October 17, 2005
Blog / Community Projects Friends, Carafes, and the Infinite Corridor What a week! Watch Tim play his instrument after a morning of camaraderie and cheap… light" of his new $3 construction lamp, acquired at the Swapfest. Alas by Anthony R. '09 October 16, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Tests @ MIT The class average is your friend. making a completely awesome aid sheet for 3.091... ...and then you go to by Laura N. '09 October 6, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research A week in the life bad as the previous week's pset. I like alkanes and rotating 3-D by Jessie L. '07 September 25, 2005
Blog / Admissions Overnight Program Come play with us! -level classes like 18.01/18.02, 5.111/2, 3.091, or 8.01. Stay up by Mollie B. '06 September 24, 2005
Blog / Admissions Fall Travel Days 4,5,6: NACAC Conference Part 3 of my Fall Travelogue. presentation. Finished at 3AM - I forget how productive I am in the wee hours of by Ben Jones September 24, 2005
Blog / MIT History & Culture Varied states of the basement A roundabout trek to an underground level of Building 7 leads me into areas very… , so keep these in mind. We're almost out of Building 3 as we pass by Anthony R. '09 September 20, 2005
Blog / Athletics Marathon Sports The store has the word "marathon" in it, so it has to be good, right?… walking 1.3 a big deal. As soon as I entered the store, a friendly by Mitra L. '07 September 13, 2005
Blog / Admissions August Questions Omnibus 2 Many more of your questions and my answers. difficult as there are no science-based activities at all? 3. And my term ... , and we will consider this as part of your context. 3. You can write us a ... want to know more about the recommendation letters. MIT requires 3 by Matt McGann '00 August 29, 2005