This is my fourth year in Cambridge. But earlier this week I learned how little I still know about where I live. Last weekend, I went on a grocery run.…
Today was moving-in day, where I moved all of my stuff out of storage and back into my dorm room. Moving-in day is my second-least-favorite day of the year, after…
I took too many classes this semester. It was an accident. Usually five classes or four classes plus a UROP is a reasonable workload for me. Typically at that level,…
Columbus Day weekend was a four day weekend. I got an embarrassingly small amount of work done, but a pretty large amount of good memories, so I thought I would…
I spent this summer interning at PlayStation. The office was in San Francisco. Aside from one of those double-decker tour buses, I’d never spent time in the city before. Plus,…
PE classes in high school tend to follow one of two models. Either they center around “fitness testing”, like running the mile or doing pushups. Or they resemble my PE…
I got my first taste of MIT even before orientation, when I showed up to the Freshman Pre-Orientation Program called Discover History and Literature in Boston (thank goodness there’s an…