We had a good crew. I planned the trip. Daina N. ‘25 drove ... . ‘25 was our backup-turned-main driver. Oris S. N. ‘23 is a massive
, table 12.
8.02 was just like how I remembered 8.01: L O N G.
Two hour ... 'm actually not officially enrolled in which a n g e r s me because I'm a CMS
[annotation note="cj: speaking is lumia n. '24"]i've[/annotation] known cj for 3.5 years now. though the first 6 months it was very much not closely. of course, that was back when i was a prefrosh and didn't know him
After **quite** the hiatus,01 *Checks watch* wow I was a sophomore last time I posted... yikes it would probably make sense to say what I have been doing and what…
One of the events for the class of 2024’s second round of orientation03 because this is our first time actually being on campus was to write a letter to our…
Col·lege ma·jors (noun) A term that invokes pain and, as compensation, newfound freedom in class selection For many weeks, I couldn’t think of a good way to write this blog…
When I tell people that I spent January in Andorra, their first question is usually “…What’s Andorra?” It’s a question I’ve gotten pretty good at answering over the past couple…