Blog / MIT Life Back Home No Strings Attached with airplanes in the last 2 years have involved delays, cold, snow, and by Snively '11 May 24, 2009
Blog / MIT Life Epilogue An open letter about blogging, growing up, and the end of my first year at… on an 8.223 assignment at 2 AM in the morning after realizing that the by Yan Z. '12 May 21, 2009
Blog / Events I’m on a boat! It was only a matter of time the end of the year. Finals in 2 weeks! Brass Rats in 1 week! Back to by Snively '11 May 3, 2009
Blog / Hacks Hack Safari I sneak around taking pictures and videos at night. the train remotely was scheduled to start playing with the train at 2PM by Snively '11 April 28, 2009
Blog / Admissions CPW roundup Meet the Bloggers, dinner with a physics professor, and a photography contest for those of… and 2% for MIT faculty members*. *Disclaimer: this statistical by Yan Z. '12 April 20, 2009
Blog / Admissions What to expect when you’re expecting CPW Setting some expectations, discussing myths & realities. , Steer Roast, IAP, the 2.007 finals, etc. Over-hype: After all this build by Matt McGann '00 April 15, 2009
Blog / About Decisions More Information on the Waitlist Further details for waitlisted applicants. -- approximately 2.9% of applicants -- a spot on the waitlist. Not all of those by Matt McGann '00 March 17, 2009
Blog / About Decisions About Tomorrow Good Luck Tomorrow! you'll be happiest. 2.In one year, a lot will be different I can pretty by Chris M. '12 March 13, 2009
Blog / MIT History & Culture The Rainbow Lounge Where the LGBT kids hang out. Center and my 2.009 instructor), Professor Gibson (from the Department of by Laura N. '09 February 23, 2009
Blog / MIT Life 25 things and another reason to come to CPW. FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS. OH GOD. . 2. I am becoming my mother, down to the hazelnut flavored coffee. I by Shannon M. '12 February 3, 2009
Blog / Extracurriculars Let’s Build a Snowman [CRITICAL UPDATE!] We can make him our best friend , rounded it off, and were left with a perfectly massive snowball. Step 2 by Snively '11 January 25, 2009
Blog / Challenges I’m still here (and MIT’s still hard) The little comment that wasn't. (This isn't edited. It sounds awkward at times. Deal.) teacher, and 2) completely butchering everyone's names. I spent the year by Keri G. '10 January 12, 2009
Blog / About Decisions Otra Vez, Como Siempre Some J-Pop to cheer you up. =p period of 2 months or so when my parents started freaking out about me not by Chris S. '11 December 12, 2008
Blog / Miscellaneous American culture at its finest: Thanksgiving How my family celebrates the holiday. Plus a crash course in U.S. culture for internationals. , but her 2 brothers live out of state and only make it back to Jersey by Laura N. '09 November 27, 2008
Blog / MIT Life I’ve got Mail! And a LAPTOP! Why I can breathe again, and the 10 most recent emails in my inbox. 's when I need to charge up. 2) Someone spilled water on my laptop. Yikes by Kim D. '09 November 17, 2008
Blog / Admissions We Treat You Nicely VOTE VOTE VOTE! week or two before these weeks because those are extremely busy. 2 by Snively '11 November 13, 2008
Blog / How to Human Time Management Reading this article adds +15 to Time Skills same things, you can focus on the new stuff you have to make time for. 2 by Chris M. '12 November 1, 2008
Blog / How to Boston and Beyond Banditos Misteriosos Everybody enjoys a ghoul dance party! :// 2. Don’t come wearing the sheet. At the first sound of an airhorn, put by Snively '11 October 25, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research You win some, you lose some. day in the life. around to getting dressed it was about 2:30 and I put on my SPS Shirt by Lulu L. '09 October 23, 2008
Blog / Academics & Research Examining exams Sometimes, grades matter less than photons are matter. diagrams at 2 AM in the morning*. I went to the office hours of multiple TA by Yan Z. '12 October 4, 2008