Blog / Academics & Research Making Things Fly for a living. stability. He talks about the 120 degree separation of the fins and their by Lulu L. '09 October 27, 2006
Blog / Extracurriculars Where is the banana… ...and why is that man chartreuse? Ave shortly after, traveling southwest at a trajectory of 42.6 degrees by Jess K. '10 August 11, 2006
Blog / About Decisions He’s Making A List and Checking It Twice The things that I found important when looking at colleges , and neither are having extra rodent roommates. To a degree, housing and by Bryan July 24, 2006
Blog / Admissions July Questions Omnibus 1 Your questions & my answers. from kenya." If you haven't enrolled in a bachelor's degree program, and by Matt McGann '00 July 6, 2006
Blog / Admissions April Questions Omnibus 1 Recent questions, answered. undergraduate degree program at another institution. Shammi wrote, "dear matt, how by Matt McGann '00 April 18, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research Adam makes a guest appearance Adam's motto: Step one, get it done. Step two, there's always more to do. MIT's campus complete with video clips and 360-degree panoramas of by Mollie B. '06 March 14, 2006
Blog / MIT Life Spring cleaning and miscellany The Brass Rat club, sending 4-inch heels to Goodwill, and picking a new food-providing graduate… !" that just sounds completely disingenuous. I guess to some degree this is by Mollie B. '06 March 12, 2006
Blog / MIT Life These are a few of my favorite things Silver-white winters that melt into Newbury Street shopping. , required for a biology degree) does require calculus knowledge. 2. Sam T by Mollie B. '06 February 22, 2006
Blog / Academics & Research 2.670- Mechanical Engineering Tools- Week 1 Mechanical Engineering Tools (2.670) teaches us the fundamentals of machine and computer tool use so… diverge at 30 degree angles) and we're working our way to sketching more by Melis A. '08 January 16, 2006
Blog / Hacks Giving Laura an assist Little Dome in ten-degree weather, or making the information kiosk play a by Jessie L. '07 December 24, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in Internet in the bathtub! And a bunch of stuff on choosing a major. any major. A list of degree programs is here (I find this list SUPER by Mollie B. '06 December 24, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research On being a lab rat I flail around trying to explain what I do at work every day. -- oftentimes there aren't so many degrees of separation between people. by Mollie B. '06 December 17, 2005
Blog / MIT Life MIT is easy if you study rastrology. Getting into awkward positions, at the Bank of London, with penguins. shots in minus-eighty temperatures and 100 degree winds is beyond me, but by Sam M. '07 December 11, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Quick and dirty I freak out a little about graduate school applications, then answer some questions. rocked the GRE general test, will be graduating with two degrees, have a by Mollie B. '06 November 10, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Yes, eat all our shirts! See MIT through the eyes of my prefrosh. orbitals, and learn more about the degrees of freedom than you could ever by Sam M. '07 October 22, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research MIT students do it all night. A salute to sleep deprivation, Aztec philosophy, and grape-catching. and pick up random stuff. Somehow that led her to a degree in Course XVI by Sam M. '07 September 20, 2005
Blog / Athletics Marathon Sports The store has the word "marathon" in it, so it has to be good, right?… . Interesting note: It was about 85 degrees outside while I was there. I jogged by Mitra L. '07 September 13, 2005
Blog / MIT Life What pretty hair… This entry is about my dorm, hair dye, pork dumplings, and, of course, Alain Boublil. 's degree but still lives nearby, so she bakes you fresh cookies every once in by Sam M. '07 August 7, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Let’s Get Physical Olivia Newton-John, I am not, but I can still pretend. . The class is taught by Tabata Sensei, an 8th degree black belt and by Mitra L. '07 August 5, 2005
Blog / Academics & Research Reactors are my friends. Four things you would never expect to find in a real MIT laboratory. degrees from Berkeley and should be receiving his PhD from MIT in January by Sam M. '07 July 26, 2005