Blog / Classes Life Changing Classes at MIT ft. ec-discuss 've signed up for 3 more econ classes next sem! AHHH. This one hasn't been by Nisha D. '21 February 20, 2019
Blog / Challenges A Complicated Synthesis Question starting materials include hard decisions and uncertain paths ) it's terribly frightening and 3) it makes me sound like a try hard. But by Afeefah K. '21 December 7, 2018
Blog / Admissions I waited waaaay too long to get a new computer Finally, a development environment I can work with! priced machine that you would be ok replacing in 2-3 years if you need to by Anelise N. '19 October 8, 2018
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Murals of East Campus i live in an art exhibition mural in 3W Munroe - superficially because it has a lot of good puns, but by Nisha D. '21 June 26, 2018
Blog / Academics & Research Little Rectangles Thoughts from Junior spring these blogs, does not. So for Mom V. (<3), here’s a crash course by Taylor V. '19 May 14, 2018
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Why I Love Taylor Swift I finally explain the reason...or at least try to... MP3 player. It had a soundtrack from a Miley Cyrus Disney movie which by Vincent A. '17 June 6, 2017
Blog / Academics & Research Classes: Junior Spring Edition + notes on MIT academics in general computer game on the 3rd week of class was quite empowering! 17.803 POLITICAL by Yuliya K. '18 April 25, 2017
Blog / Academics & Research Twenty-One Days Abroad in Twenty-One Photographs a curated photo dump of an IAP in Spain soundwaves. #3: The It's-Raining-Hard-Candies Parade [Cabalgata de los by Krystal L. '17 February 8, 2017
Blog / Admissions Checking in with EA Applicants because I just saw Chris' post, and you probably did, too . Life works in crazy ways so, please, don’t panic. <3  by Yuliya K. '18 December 8, 2016
Blog / Academics & Research Biological Engineering at MIT My thoughts, feelings, and opinions (and slight ranting) about biology both at MIT and in… a shelf life of 3 days. This creates for a very high impact paper, but by Ben O. '19 November 20, 2016
Blog / Academics & Research Advanced Standing Exams: know your stuff, get out of a semester-long class! You should really consider taking them. available online in full, for free (keep reading for more info). 3. You get by Anelise N. '19 May 24, 2016
Blog / Academics & Research Sleepless Nights And how I've been spending them my end result has sported its own style choices. 3) Plane hopping and by Anelise N. '19 April 26, 2016
Blog / Art, Literature, Music Recapping Trashion 2015 sustainable fashion == trashion : Virginia White 2nd Prize: Coral Bays-Muchmore, Grace Assaye, Alyssa Napier 3 by Chris Peterson SM '13 December 18, 2015
Blog / Challenges Breathless Why it's so hard to tell college students to ease up a bit. Note #3: 6.005 really should be 22 credits -___-"" by Selam G. '18 October 16, 2015
Blog / How to MIT Learn Coding Before School Starts you've got one month left. go! Computational Media Design class, we used Scratch’s drag-and-drop coding to make 3 by Erick P. '17 August 2, 2015
Blog / MIT Life #tbt: MIT Cribs Digging up some old freshman-year blog posts House, where I was temped for all of 3 days, into MacGregor, where I by Ceri Riley '16 March 5, 2015
Blog / Academics & Research Thirteen Things To Do Over IAP: #1-5 Concerning the half I spent at home of work. 3. Be indecisive about what classes to take in the spring I by Krystal L. '17 January 17, 2015
Blog / Admissions Interview Tips from an MIT Educational Counselor Thoughts on how to prepare for your alumni interview . (See #1) 3. Dress nicely – but not too nicely. ECs know that the by Kim Hunter '86 October 19, 2014
Blog / Challenges Slippery Slope: The Story of a Frazzled Sophomore How NOT to spend the first month of sophomore year three times that night, once at 11:30pm, once at 3:30am, and again around by Krystal L. '17 October 14, 2014
Blog / Admissions The Blogs Turn 10: Looking Back, Looking Ahead data and narrative, past and present , totaling approximately 3.2 million words. If the blogs were printed out and by Chris Peterson SM '13 August 13, 2014