subjects outside of the classroom itself. If you're confident that you ... test out of it. It's essentially like sitting the final before the class ... , and you will never exhaust our curriculum of hard, interesting classes.
one of the things i’m working on outside of class this semester is a ... to produce a zk-snark implementation of an elliptic curve pairing ... of proofs are impossible, but when conducted in the right setting with
this overwhelming feeling creeping up on me, this slow crescendo of ... every muscle in my body already sore, regardless of how much physical ... me. It is, of course, that same burnout which I felt just as I began my
parts. I loved the camaraderie of people all grinding to finish their part of the project — there were vital sections of the project that I never ... . Seeing everything come together was so rewarding. I love the feeling of
moved before the memory making parts of my brain could actually store any reliable information. I have one memory of me crying in the kitchen while my parents try to feed me coconuts, but this is of questionable veracity.
common carnival Of passions and regrets, And gives the world a glimpse of ... summer has been full of new colors. Last semester was not the best, and I've been rediscovering a lot of beauty which I wanted to share a glimpse of
surprisingly common behavior for lots of people. I couldn’t, really, tell you why this happens; It’s probably some combination of the pressure to be happy ... around the end of January. Unfortunately, this year hasn’t been any
It’s finally here – the grand finale of the Fredventure! Read part 1 and part 2 to get up to speed if you haven’t already. We spent most of days 7 and 8 rehearsing/performing our music, so half of this blog post
Some of the bloggers have written before about the way that music playlists can come to define, and bring back memories of, semesters that are ... screamy songs about the end of the world, perhaps unsurprisingly). I don
CPW has come and gone, and it’s left all the students of MIT with ... . I organized CPW in my dorm last year. It is one of my favorite times of the school year, because I love having silly events and meeting
, college applications were at the forefront of my mind. I scrapped essays ... feared that colleges would reject me on basis of senior fall grades alone ... .
Even under the graces of Pass No Record, I feel stressed out: it builds
come to campus and learn a variety of topics from MIT students. Hope you ... , then, one of my favorite weekends of the year is Splash weekend, when I ... the morning and headed over to check-in. This is a three-hour shift of
the distant glint of the Charles. If you don't feel like craning your ... fair amount of sunlight, especially when we forget to pull down the blinds. There is a nice view of Building 1 and a pleasant reminder that
Those of you with memories slightly longer than the average goldfish ... Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded by inventor Dean Kamen and ... applying to MIT were even born. The goal of FIRST, broadly speaking, is to
totally made my day. Engineers rock. Of course, Wallace is failing MechE and then cheated, like an idiot! So of course he got caught, and I’m supremely disappointed in his lack of judgment. Still. Mechanical engineering
of homework, usually in the form of a problem set. I thought the ... actually like, so I've posted a few of the problems from my own problem sets (don't give me the answers! I haven't solved all of these yet!). 9.22 has
with picking the best possible version of myself to become - deciding on ... during school, though of course all the details have changed
i still live with a large number of friends, though instead of a dorm with 18-to
MIT students were initially deferred; you can read some of their experiences here, here, here, here, here, here, and most recently here.
Some of you may feel happy to be deferred. Some of you may feel sad. Some of you
The first day of classes is tomorrow. [annotation note='like, of ... the end of my summer commitments and the start of the school year, so I ... particularly stressed about day 1 of my senior year.
I was, however, feeling