free copy of Matlab on the formula sheet. No kidding. I opened the test book, glanced at the first page, and felt my face melt into a puddle of inconsolable horror at the sight of more Arabic numerals than I've seen since the
By this time I'm sure most of you are finally enjoying summer. (Let ... final day of school in the comments, graduation day doesn't count unless it was also the last day of school) My summer last year was laid
Did any of you notice today was a square root day? I didn't, until I got a friendly email reminding me of this rare mathematical oddity ... ."
This is part of why I love MIT - people here actually appreciate this
Eve, Santa visits our annual family gathering, with dozens of McGanns in ... traditional decorating of the tree.
Just a few miles from my house is the ... of you are taking advantage of your holiday time with family, too
so yet.
The MyMIT hardware failure did not affect the data of the vast majority of applicants. We have personally contacted the small set of students who were affected by the problem.
For those of you who are applying
Class of 2010 Excels: from Rifle Champion to Water Quality Researcher ... Class of 2010 steps on campus next fall, they will find a cohort of ... accomplishment are already evident in the class:
Sarah Dupuis of New Preston, Conn
myself. All of the applications have been fantastic! (There's still a week left before the EA deadline, for those of you who are procrastinating ... all end up.
I have a lot of blog-comment-questions to respond to - look
Thanks for all of the advice on my previous entry. I have decided to take 11.025J D-Lab: Development, since I have studied "issues of ... would take
CMS.410 Popular Culture in the Age of Media Convergence
number of international applicants admitted to 10 percent of the total number of admits, this year the number of early international admits doubled, decreasing the number of spaces remaining for international
the good ol' days of Nintendo.
The small dome with it's very own Mario ... is the last day of my 5th semester at MIT. Time flies when you're having fun. More photos of the rest of the day coming soon.
, three of the media outlets I most respect have covered it -- NPR, The Economist, and, this morning, the New York Times -- on page 1 of the national edition!
Also, for those of you wishing for teleportation powers so you
Quoting Prashant from the last thread, "Number of ways to compare two applicants from a pool of 10,500 is 10500(C)2 = (10500!)/(2!*(10498!))"
I don't need to win the USAMO to know that's a lot of ways.
What a lively
. Demaine, an assistant professor of computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is the leading theoretician in the emerging field of origami mathematics, the formal study of what can be done with a folded
For those of you hoping for an Admissions status update, here goes: we're reading applications. Lots and lots of applications.
It's been ... busy for students, too, as today was the third day of classes at MIT. Two
Aero/Astro 6
MIT Alumni Club of Boston 1
Alumni goal: David ... nice photos in his latest post of the final class of 3.091: Introduction ... .091 lecture and always concludes with a discussion of the chemistry of Champagne
asked of late. I'll address a couple quickly now, and get to some others ... the mailing of decision letters in December. Well, as of right now, we ... decision letters by the end of Chanukah (wouldn't a big envelope be a nice
that can help.
Approximately 44% of graduates go directly to employment, and 49% of the Class of 2024 went directly to grad school.
The average starting salary for an MIT undergraduate—regardless of major—is $126
Each year we aim for a class of approximately 1,100 students. Based on our estimates of the percentage of admitted students who will attend ... with the uncertainties, we also keep a wait list of students.
We won