Sailing Spring Break a trip to Charleston and why the sailing team is awesome by Fiona M. '20 April 7, 2017
MIT Researchers Develop Autonomous Shoe Technology out of the MIT STrIDE group by Erick P. '17 April 1, 2017
Five Years of Admitted Student Gatherings MIT community is getting bigger by Erick P. '17 March 29, 2017
PSA: Attend Local MIT Admitted Meetings! Note to ADMITTED, CURRENT, and FORMER Students by Yuliya K. '18 March 26, 2017
Sewing minus the machine Costume Design: Featuring the best non-stick-figures I've ever drawn! by Anelise N. '19 March 21, 2017
MIT Festival of Learning a hackathon for students and instructors connecting technology with education by Yuliya K. '18 March 17, 2017