Musings on Colorful Balls (CPW Guest Blog!) from Ramya '14! by Chris S. '11 April 13, 2010 15 comments
On the Flip Side I'm a host instead of a prefrosh this year - but CPW has still been… by Hamsika C. '13 April 10, 2010 23 comments
Battle of the Bands "Rock on and come to CPW!" ~ Thomas Jefferson"Chris, you made up that quote from… by Chris M. '12 April 7, 2010 9 comments
Q&A with Prof. Jonathan Gruber ‘87 (CPW Preview!) Our second CPW Keynote Speaker, Economics Professor Jonathan Gruber '87, answers a few questions in… by Matt McGann '00 April 7, 2010
Q&A with Prof. Nancy Kanwisher ‘80 (CPW Preview!) One of the CPW Keynote Speakers, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Professor Nancy Kanwisher '80 PhD… by Matt McGann '00 April 5, 2010
CPW Events That You Should Come To! totally biased, but hey, it's my blog by Chris S. '11 April 5, 2010 8 comments
T-Minus Six Days Ready for the best four days of your life? CPW 2010 ftw!! by Hamsika C. '13 April 2, 2010 11 comments