Pageant and pomp and parade The whippoorwill of freedom zapped me right between the eyes. by Sam M. '07 July 7, 2005 3 comments
July Questions Omnibus 1 Answers to the many questions left in the comments of McGann's Factors. by Matt McGann '00 July 7, 2005 10 comments
So who is this Laura person, anyway? Hello and welcome to the single coolest blog on the entire admissions website. My name… by Laura N. '09 July 7, 2005 14 comments
Nobody’s Got No Class! I was browsing through the MIT Course Catalog, and thought these classes looked pretty thought-provoking. by Mitra L. '07 July 6, 2005 10 comments
Couchamarans and Carboats MIT alums create awesome floating vehicles from which to watch the fireworks. by Matt McGann '00 July 6, 2005 9 comments
What MIT Grads Do With Their Free Time Want to see the fireworks up close? Simply turn an old car into a boat… by Ben Jones July 6, 2005 11 comments
Making A Splash on July 4: The Celebration in Photos July 4th - A Photo Essay by Bryan July 6, 2005 7 comments
July 4th in Boston MIT has the best seat for Boston's July 4th celebrations. by Matt McGann '00 July 5, 2005 3 comments
Three of a perfect pair Biking! Clothing! Exploding! A day in the life. by Sam M. '07 July 5, 2005 7 comments