Happy 10th birthday, blogs!!! I made you a cake! (With help from Random Hall's 40th Birthday Hack.)
Birthdays are special times. Times for cakes, celebrations, and sometimes songs. They are also a natural point to look back and
There was another hack on campus this morning! This time, it would appear that some hackers decided to turn the Infinite into a zoo, featuring ... , and that none of them were harmed in the making of this hack.
From today's edition of the Tech:
Caltech Students Pull Part of a Hack at MIT
I managed to snag one of the fake papers that, as the ... Caltech prank (ahem - "failed hack" - the Tech definitely calls it as it
secure. It turns out that Sia actually started at HackMIT 2013. Hack ... roof for 24 hours to code, hack, and build. I've been blogging about HackMIT for years, but I still haven't competed in one. So I figured Hack
celebrated the series a number of times in the way we celebrate: with hacks ... of Harry Potter-related hacks, courtesy of hacks.mit.edu.
Harry ... invisibility cloak? And no, this one's not a hack...
number of particularly impressive hacks throughout the weekend. For ... hacks during CPW, if not my time here, was the one pulled on building 54 ... hacking history, and destined to be one of the classics people talk about
This post contains spoilers for the theme and structure of MIT Mystery Hunt 2021, which are unmarked. This post will contain spoilers for some puzzles, which will be marked. Organizing…
Society of Women Engineers event as well as the HackMIT Git seminar. (Free ... to another HackMIT event for the free food before heading off to get ... went to HackMIT, got lunch for free, looted the treasure trove of free
It's more likely than you think!
To understand this hack, you need some background on recent happenings at MIT, so please bear with me:
An ... bedtimes aren't as early as mine). They planned a hack, and in my opinion, it
Because the soundtrack to Hack Punt Tool, a musical about MIT ... of MIT lingo - hacks refers to the "anonymous technological pranks" set ... ) introduction to hacking, listen to the opening number.
The main character