before, because 5th East was going to Six Flags New England, courtesy of ... groups. When I say that "5th East went to Six Flags", I don't mean "the current residents of the hall went to Six Flags". I mean, "the 5th East
other people on 5th East doing the same thing, so we sat under the red ... on 5th East.
We were soon joined by Lex '00. One of my favorite things ... '06, who were watching Star Wars in 6-120.
On Saturday, a bunch of 5th
January 18, 10pm
MIT Intramural C League Hockey
MIT Canadian Club 5
MIT Alumni Club of Boston 0
(hey, they're Canadian, what could we do?)
Today, the MyMIT Portal team had our weekly meeting
school assignments (you might just get 5 problems, with a) b) c) d) e) f ... problems, but under the auspices of 5 major problems).
* You get an entire ... structured almost in the same way as a pset. You generally get 5 or so big
language barrier - 5.13 becomes Chem 27 and Course 5 itself is now Chemistry ... of a weird amalgamation of 5.13, 7.05, and 5.310 (or I guess 5 ... offer 5.13 or 5.310 either, and so because MIT splits them into two
fruit, vegetables, bread, and meat (ie 5 pounds of potatoes for $1... that ... .com.
1. Anonymous asked,
If I got a 5 on the English Language AP exam but I just know that I won't get a 5 on the Lit, do I still count as
me. The climb to 5West was not terribly laborious and was well greeted when I entered 5W.
The TV lounge had perhaps five or so people sitting ... general rituals of the clan in 5W. I am to expect four-legged beasts roaming
ascending numerical order.)
5.12 - Organic Chemistry (5-0-7)
In which we ... . Chemistry, biology, and the related engineering disciplines (a.k.a. Courses 5 ... Magnetism with Theory (5-0-7)
The logical follow-up to Physics I: Mechanics, I
whopping 168 acres – which is 1.5x bigger than Vatican City! To get from one ... that class starts 5 minutes later and ends 5 minutes earlier than its ... you and your friends go somewhere that requires more than 5 minutes of
-esque sign, playing cards, a poker table, and a roulette table.
Burton 5 ... , located outside floor lounge
C5 Portal
A "portal" to C5, located outside the up-down suite. C5 has its own portal on its floor
/Flavorful fellatio (ie latex seminar), on 8/26 from 5-6 PM: Gain some in depth ... surprises.
Cruft smashing, on 8/27 from 4-5 PM: “Cruft” refers to old stuff ... !!!, on 8/27 from 5-5:30 PM: Come make an impassioned speech about literally
numbers (without class titles!):
--- 6.111 = “six-one-eleven”
--- but 5 ... (praise CourseRoad!) and have at least one major set.
We had a ... +) friend got drunk at a party after taking 5.111 Introductory Chemistry with
Throughout my 5-ish months as a blogger for the Institvte, I ... classes up in 100 words or less:
5.111 - Principles of Chemical Science: You may remember 5.111 as the class where I threw ping pong balls
It is 5:16am.
At about 4:45, I walked into Senior House. I had been at East Campus working on a 5.111 (chemistry) pset with a friend. I ... efficient writer in the world. Or was I? Hmmmm.
So today is pi day. It's 5
5 nights
Jay '08: ordered 7 nights (Comment from Jay: "Hey, I like calzones!")
Me '06: cooked 5 nights, went out 2 nights
3. Nehalita asked,
Do ... edu) asked,
So I got a 5 on the AP English Language exam. I know that