If any of you have attended one of my MIT info sessions, either on campus or on the road, you've heard me talk about MIT's 2+ miles of underground tunnels. On mornings like these (3 degrees when I left the house), I
statistics were pretty good, but I'm sure a lot of you have/had better:
GPA: 3 ... ), Medieval French Literature (a grad-level class)
APs: seven 5s, five 4s, one 3 ... ), regional 3rd (Computer Science)
Extracurriculars: Varsity cross-country four
3 classes must be HASS distribution, or HASS-D, courses, each ... Communications Intensive, or HASS-CI
3-4 classes must go deep into one area of ... the null set. That is, some classes will fulfill 2 or 3 of the above
1) I've almost fully recovered from the flu
2) I turned 31 - I AM OLD - spent my birthday reading apps
3) My app reads have been particularly awesome this week
4) We had our first followup meeting to my
advertised total of 3.14 days"] CPW [/annotation] was something completely new ... weird as it was, could also be empowering. In the next 3.14 days, I had ... :
[carousel image1="103356" image2="103354" image3="103353" image4
ride was like 40 minutes), an HDMI converter, etc. At 3, I Ubered from ... Shenanigans
It's currently 3am, and [annotation note="lmao just kidding, Gloria has now gone to sleep so 1/3 of the retreat remains awake
[carousel image1="92377" image2="92351" image3="92366" image4="92367" /]
On ... , well, the opposite of that. Tokyo is home to [annotation note="Which is 3 ... memory.
[carousel image1="92357" image2="92358" image3="92360" image4