Blog / About Decisions Welcome to MIT, Class of 2012 Welcome home. today's edition of MIT's student newspaper, The Tech. 2. Add your name to by Paul B. '11 March 18, 2008
Blog / MIT History & Culture Barker Engineering Library Where sound goes to die. like a dome. Do yourself a favor and utilize those 2.4 megabytes of by Snively '11 February 13, 2008
Blog / MIT Life Hot Dogs Or, how I fail at eating hot dogs. 's about $2.50 a dog, it's a good time! by Snively '11 February 10, 2008
Blog / Admissions Blogging About Blogging CAPTAIN FAFSA! website is interesting and raises the number of applicants, and how Web 2 by Snively '11 February 6, 2008
Blog / How to Boston and Beyond The Coop What's a coop? You'll find out! one day I walked out with a Scrabble board, 2 Rubik's cubes (Revolution by Snively '11 January 13, 2008
Blog / Extracurriculars Ambulance! Ambulance! So I'm in this serious long-term relationship. (comment allez-vous?) 2. Bought enough groceries for a small vegetarian by Jess K. '10 January 10, 2008
Blog / About Decisions Things To Do While Waiting for Decisions, Part II Relax! Take it eee-aaa-sy! statistics. Statistically speaking, it's a very unpopular major." -Liz '11) 2 by Jess K. '10 December 10, 2007
Blog / IAP A truly independent activities period A glimpse at some MIT students' IAP plans. about female engineers. week 2: UPOP...intense engineering work place by Melis A. '08 December 7, 2007
Blog / Events SNOW SNOW SNOW! And other festivities. , homework can now be due late at night, or on weekends. For 8.01, there are 2 by Chris S. '11 December 3, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research David Berry: A “Fearless” Innovator with a Passion for MIT Dr. David Berry, who received his S.B. and Ph.D. from MIT, received the honor of… company whose technology he helped develop, and T2 Biosystems, a diagnostic by Melis A. '08 October 4, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research I’m Shipping Up to Boston and I lost my leg! Whoah oh oh.. since 2 PM; after an hour of reading chemistry books, we decided to go by Jess K. '10 August 31, 2007
Blog / MIT Life It’s like a bag of sand! I go on a quest to legally obtain music and movies. has nothing to do with nerd camp and instead has to do with - 2: My by Keri G. '10 June 29, 2007
Blog / Admissions Checking In A brilliantly exciting recap of the last month. Hi folks! Wow – just noticed that my last entry was published over a month ago. Sorry guys, I apparently thought I was Nance for a second there… my bad.… by Ben Jones June 13, 2007
Blog / MIT History & Culture Time Out I attempt to top Emo Walt Whitman, even though I'm only taking a brief reprieve… cheater for 1) being a senior and having more emotional things to say and 2 by Jess K. '10 May 27, 2007
Blog / Academics & Research Interview with Hanhan Wang: EECS, robots, and more! What it’s like to study electrical engineering and computer science at MIT Physics) - 3 “Headers” - 2 Advanced/Grad classes in a specific by Melis A. '08 May 13, 2007
Blog / Admissions Room E51-151, Please??? By Jing, '11 , these Course 2 (MechE) majors made a spot for me and my disdainful poetry by Bryan April 23, 2007
Blog / Events A sample of life in the past week A summary of a million events in 7 days! ended up snowing about 2 inches, and unfortunately it rained the rest of by Melis A. '08 April 21, 2007
Blog / Admissions Pre-MIT prep How to prepare yourself for life at MIT -- hint: watch Chappelle's Show. Everyone else… play 2 seasons of a varsity sport) and pass a swim test (remember by Mitra L. '07 April 18, 2007
Blog / Admissions Freezing My @$$ off at CPW By: Andrea '11 included!): 1. Having soda with dry ice. 2. Swallowing two live goldfish by Bryan April 16, 2007
Blog / Admissions The Open-Ended Question Why I chose MIT ... twice entry with three: 1. You learn what you don't know you are learning. 2. By by Bryan April 15, 2007