Design and Manufacturing I (2.007 in nerd-speak) involves two ... actually share the design process that lead to this invention in 2.007. In ... from a 7-seater to a 2-seat carry wagon.
Professor Blanco has over a
If any of you have attended one of my MIT info sessions, either on campus or on the road, you've heard me talk about MIT's 2+ miles of underground tunnels. On mornings like these (3 degrees when I left the house), I
meeting for my UROP (the turkey one) just to get free apple pie
2. discussed ... going home. Oh, Alton...
3. rocked IM Dodgeball, helping Conner 2 finish up the night with our best one-night record ever: 2-2-0. As you've been
're able to prepare.
2) Chicken and meat. You may have noticed that my ... lunch no later than 2, and then have a midday snack around 4- maybe cheese ... . Speaking of food, I have to go get ready for the Conner 2 frosh dinner, which
applications ask for your unweighted GPA, so the fact that your GPA is 26.2 on a ... , one 2 (in Calc BC, with a 4 on the AB subsection...yeah, that's right, I got a 2 on AP Calc and I still got into MIT! Hah!). Of those, four of
Name: Mikey YangJob title: Admissions CounselorHometown: Troy, MIHigh school: Troy High SchoolCollege: MIT ’05, BiologyFavorite thing about MIT: The people. Hands down. The people at MIT are not what I…