description is “a playlist to make me cry”
“im having a classical day” - i.e ... Sting - My hall refers to this song as the “1E hall song”, although this ... in our Walounge, and we play it at the end of every party hosted by 1E
I've stopped watching this baby lion trying to roar long enough to tell you, as the title says, we will be releasing Early Action decisions online next Thursday, 12/14/17, at Tau Time (i.e. 6:28PM ET).
To check
I've stopped watching this sneezing puppy long enough to tell you, as the title says, we will be releasing Early Action decisions online next Thursday, 12/15/16, at Tau Time (i.e. 6:28PM ET).
I blog a lot of retrospective trip reports (see, e.g., ISEF 2016, IOI 2015, Maker Faire (NYC) 2014), but I rarely provide advance notice before I arrive somewhere to give a talk. Someone emailed to suggest this
The other day, I had an interesting conversation with Kayla E. '15. She asked me if I wanted to go to Canada, and I said yes. About 24 hours later, we hopped in her car with bags full of clothes and went on an