MIT receives diverse and interesting applications from students in every type of school: public, private, religious, charter, and home school ... MIT.
Matt McGann, former Director of Admissions, wrote a great blog
MIT uses numbers for everything. You could be in 10-250 taking 18.06, which is 4-0-8, for 6-5. At MIT, all of your friends would understand ... week, 0 hours in lab per week, 8 hours of homework per week, for
MIT strives to create a safe and welcoming environment for LBGTQ students.
MIT and its surrounding communities offer a broad array of ... campaign has a great list of resources available to students as well.
Yup, there's a swim test!
There's an awesome variety of physical education courses for undergraduate students to complete the swim requirement ... during the academic year.
If you take the right mix of classes, you can
MIT doesn't have any age requirements or limits. Each year we receive a small number of applications from young students who have outgrown their high school curriculum and feel ready for college.
We have a lot of
half my stuff)
Ran out of prescription meds (because my health ... the service, I got out of the Navy in August and started at MIT in September. I knew that this transition would be challenging. Juggling all of
of the way by taking two CI-Ms (communication intensive class in the ... [/caption]
technological issues
For most of the past few months, my 10-year old ipad that I ... it got unusable. Every time I took it out of my bag to try and draw, I
: sorry for not blogging much lately. With my new-ish role — Director of ... kind that is often read by a half dozen people within MIT. It's sort of like [annotation note='In fact, now that I think of it, many aspects of
. In the process of him sitting in my chair, the seat flipped down and ... you can get a sense of what it was like[/caption]
I examined the damage ... .
During this short bike ride, a toooon of people responded. Like, 16 people
parish of st ives. it’s a town that’s around 10 miles outside of Cambridge ... located). in fact, it’s so small that it usually appears on the 2nd page of ... material that is a 1-atom thick layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal
the day of the concert - they bring in their own equipment, set it up ... sets of mics, mixers, and speakers so the safe bet was to acquire as much ... years of my time in college
of course 5 mics wasn’t enough, so we also
It finally happened. I got Covid. Right at the last week of [annotation note="Independent Activities Period, which runs throughout most of ... in my room.
I feel a lot better compared to the first few days of
a weird time. A lot of people say IAP is one of MIT's best offerings and the most pleasurable month of the academic calendar, but I don't agree with either of those sentiments. I like to think IAP is a sort of
's see, december. towards the end of the semester is the time when all the performance groups do their semester performances, and i don't go to a lot of ... of the time it was because i couldn't be bothered to get out of bed. i
bedroom, but a classroom. The camera pans over tens of student's heads bent ... "I love that feeling when" or "I hate that--". It's a bit of a catch ... (more often) that I hate it. This is how I talked about my first day of my
virtues of procrastination, as long as you meet the deadline, it really ... adversely impact our review. I have highlighted a handful of my least ... guidance. While the sheer number of ways that applicants find to not follow
without any exams to worry about, I can now put my UROP in the center of my schedule. I used to watch a lot of the Media Lab's content back in middle school—specifically most of TMG's projects—so being able to work inside it
questions is to just go with your initial instinct instead of trying to ... some truth to both of those explanations, but i think another relevant factor might be that the presence of other people forces me to think at a
cells exchange their water in the matter of milliseconds. Proof?"
The Science Problem: How fast does water get in/out of cells?
1:31 am:
I’m going to work on this for half an hour
Thought 1: Rate of water swooshing