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Blog / Challenges
mask on, mask off my used-to-be-virtual, and now post-virtual-but-still-neurodivergent life at MIT
wrote “LEFT” and “RIGHT” at the top of my paper to ensure that I wouldn ... ’ve also gotten a little better at the kinds of things that will probably ... hearing test because I named the pitch of the note being played instead of -
Blog / Uncategorized
Intertwined Relationships — for me — have always been about choices.
up. Of looking at your to-do list, seeing only three items in it, and ... of Sisyphus has always resonated with me: “I leave Sisyphus at the foot ... My sophomore year of high school I ate too many donuts. When I woke -
Blog / Admissions
Early Action FAQs Yes, yes, we got your emails!
The first round of application deadlines are upon you, which means ... chipping away at them more slowly than usual because the volume has been so ... you back to zen calm state sooner :) ***AN IMPORTANT NOTE***: A lot of -
Blog / Admissions
A Letter to CPW Prefrosh let the onslaught of CPW-related posts continue
years later, I don’t remember much of what I did at CPW, but I do remember ... " for the rest of his life), Middle English and the Canterbury Tales (they even got to hear me read out loud in Middle English), the art of writing -
Blog / Academics & Research
Engineering Poetry we do that.
about August yet. If that doesn’t give you an indication of how fast time ... . You’d think it's an insane amount of time to be doing this, but it’s not ... anything at MIT you must be willing to ask the difficult questions that -
Blog / Academics & Research
Freebieasy Because "Freebie" is already an entry title.
Howdy folks. It's freebie time - for the 99.9% of you readers who don ... , "Twice a year all of the bloggers essentially get a freebie post. We each ... OOOoo! 20.320 Analysis of Biomolecular and Cellular Systems The boring -
Blog / Academics & Research
Let’s Get Down to Business 'Tis the eve of a new semester.
Tomorrow marks the return of classes, p-sets, papers, reading assignments, and a tangible lack of both time and sleep. Yup, second semester is ... I actually liked reading the textbook. We'd watch a whole bunch of -
Blog / About Decisions
Otra Vez, Como Siempre Some J-Pop to cheer you up. =p
Amazing Discovery of the Day: After nearly three semesters at MIT, I ... ). Wow, it really shows what kind of MIT student I am over this last year ... 's already the Class of 2013! In honor of what I'm going to do during IAP -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
The Marching Band Refused to Yield Band in the name of love.
, blame Ben, because I am infallible. But I at least wanted to start writing ... of my short life. -- Hokay. So. Nine days and 10,000 miles of flight ... with some pictures. So, to answer all of your questions, here is the -
Blog / Personal Projects
Poemtober! the only thing harder than writing is not writing
air at 8.55, what a dumb idea, and instead i muse on the nature of these ... You might have heard of inktober, a recent phenomenon where artists ... , one of my friends from hall, Lisa T. '20, and I decided to do "poemtober -
Blog / Uncategorized
Non-Blinding my junior year(s)
's kind of tiring. But when I look at the list above, I can't imagine ... upcoming fall. And this is true: most of the classes I am taking are just ... . This is high school. --- Four years later at MIT, and here I am, in the -
Blog / Academics & Research
MIA No More Why I haven't blogged in 23 days.
bloggers are doing an amazing job of keeping the MIT Admissions page updated ... else seems to be posting screenshots of their calendars, I'm going to do ... couldn't see in the first picture: Yup. Story of my life. A partial -
Blog / Art, Literature, Music
Mens et Manus – mainly Manus! Hmm my hands feel itchy...
speechless at the sight of these masterpieces. Can you tell that it's a witch ... important at MIT... ALRIGHT you can snap out of that pristine serene dream ... drowned out by the blinding rays of a familiar sunset. I adore the sight -
Blog / IAP
A truly independent activities period A glimpse at some MIT students' IAP plans.
It is crunch time at MIT. Classes are over this Wednesday, and exam ... the start of Independent Activities Period (IAP). *Cue “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”* During IAP, students get to enjoy MIT without -
Blog / Admissions
A blog post about blog posts Superstar blogger emeritus Mollie gives us some of her favorite entries [now its own post!].
:// Power of suggestion (Sam): One way to tell if you belong at MIT http ... cannot afford the costs of the travel [...] Since I cannot make it, what ... 'm reposting it here: So as you're probably aware, MIT has a dedicated group of -
Blog / MIT Life
Ruth says update your blog! FIRST is cool. So are rebuses.
, for whatever reason, I had a ton of energy when I got back, so Javier '08 and I decided to literally run circles around the dorm. The title of this entry was the last thing I heard Rick '09 yell as I skipped out of -
Blog / Challenges
[ hard mode ] i'm on hard mode and i'm just a noob
figured out at least some parts of college life that made it easier for me ... weeks, which have been >> First week of November Saturday (not ... sargent's "triumph of religion," which he spent 29 years on before his death -
Blog / How to MIT
Dormire et Laborare Sleeping and Working at the Institvte
this spring. This blog post is part of my research proposal. I have discovered a new application for Newton’s Law of Conservation of Energy, which ... hacking away at a problem set or studying, there exists an equal and -
Blog / Extracurriculars
Congratulations! You got the job. You start in 6 months.
lot of time to show me things. (Each crew must have at least 2 people- a ... -scholarship =/ I was at one of the summer programs, but my RA said that MIT in the ... engineering that was based off of my initial comment that I've never experienced