....sad because Covid made all of these impossible.
Go to at least 3 musicals ... as a kind of win.
Go to at least 3 museums - Incomplete. I actually ... good time.
Go to at least 3 concerts - Incomplete.
Document the movies
On Friday, I went to the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University for the first time! Established in 1872, it's the oldest public arboretum in North America, and is home to over 1.3 million trees, shrubs, and woody
Where have I been?
I haven't blogged since February 3. A lot has ... Dead Weeks and how they've changed throughout your MIT semesters. (Feb 3 ... understandable to a high school audience. (Mar 3)
A lot of my work this semester
typically only have a total blood volume of 3.1-3.3 L. That was a fun way to ... friends as postcards (see #2).[carousel image1="48930" image2="48931" image3
I've always wanted to be the kind of MIT person that 3D ... , but unfortunately, I never was that kid. The extent of my 3D printing ... major.
Yet here I am, choosing to pursue a CMS/6-3 double major. Part of
in lecture.
1.57 - 2.54 pm: i have a UROP meeting at 3 in stata, so ... week. shrug emoji
Location: Stata Center
2.58 - 3.15 pm: my ... Campus
3.17 - 4.46 pm: even my room is cold :( but two blankets and
We started planning this in November-ish. We went ... scavenged metal from a scrap metal yard (3:02). She’s a mentor at a makerspace/machine shop (The Deep) so we had access to their machines and welders (3:58). We
thickness (default is 1 pt), opacity, length, and location.
Here I've drawn 3 ... 3, green, so each object is outlined in green, and there's a green box ... objects show up over/under other objects. Right now the layer order is 3
My friend Robert V. '20 is a Course 6-3 (Computer ... where the user can input expressions, such as 3 * 4, which can be easily ... may be:
numbers (one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,.. note that I included
.74: Bio-Inspired Robotics. I walked into 3-333, which is a conveniently ... .01: Physics Mechanics, 3.091: Solid-State Chemistry, 21F.076: Globalization, and ... ?? This is what 3 years of MIT will do to you...)
2.74: Bio
.042: Math for Computer Science and 6.006: Algorithms
See Regret #1.
3. Taking ... , and #3. Should not have taken unnecessarily hard classes (particularly ... class...probably could have at least a 0.3 or more higher GPA ^^; (look at